
A, that's not at all what happened this year, B, I love Monaco for what it stands for. It's the last vestige of a time before Tilke-dromes and mile-wide runoff areas and tire warmers and the whole modernization of the sport. I'm not talking about sentimentality, I'm not old enough to care about the "heritage" of

I'm no fan of the TSA, but I'm sorry I wouldn't think it's a good idea to be showing off butane lighters on a plane, and claiming I had a canister of gas. Where did you get CO2 can from? Even if he had none of those things he was still an idiot and asking for it. You couldn't make up more suspicious behavior short of

Everyone's done which part of this exactly??

Really, so any judged competition isn't a sport? Half the olypmics...gymnastics, half-pipe, figure skating, diving? Boxing? You think boxing points are objective? I'm not even a drifting fan it's not like I've watched a competition in my life. But why does motorsport have to be the only sport that has to be objective?

I actually like the grille, it's a bold take for Lexus, but the headlights are just awful. And that's from, it seems, the only guy on Jalopnik that likes the Audi landing strips. It's a terrible interpretation. The triple-headlamps are neat but just looks wrong set so far into such a huge and conventionally shaped

Funny I've seen more R8's than F10's myself. Probably around 6 or so so far.

Um, that is actually true. I believe the quote was that if the Turbo was driven in *LA*, the exhaust coming out of the car would be cleaner than the air that goes in. That's been claimed before for other modern cars, so while slightly surprising on a supercar I would believe it. Someone could test that. I would. The

It could have something to do with how unbelievably ugly they are. I've only seen one, and let's just say bimmer customers are usually early adopters.

The cars can't go any faster? Sure they could, they keep regulating them down in speed. And when we talk about speed differences in F1 we're talking maybe a second or two a lap, not doubling their top speed, so I don't see what safety has to do with it. Never mind that F1 cars are already the safest things in the

No more noble an endeavour. So to speak. Astronauts get all the glory but aren't the only ones dedicating their lives to the final frontier.

No more noble an endeavour. So to speak. Astronauts get all the glory but aren't the only ones dedicating their lives to the final frontier.

I'm torn, I hope there's never a day that I can't drive my own car. On the other hand, the nerd part of me loves that something from the future is actually happening. It's just cool. Just don't make me sit in one.

I sincerely hope that naming a *California* based system *HELE* (be creative with the pronunciation) was not lost on the marketing types.

I hope this split rear window isn't a trend is all I can say. It fails on the new Bugatti, it fails here. And the taillights look like breathe-right strips. An A for effort only because of where they started - the side lines are great, but that's about it. I second the Crossfire rear-end remark.

Praise be to baby Jesus for Lamborghini. This car shows at least one manufacturer that gets it. This car is everything that is right in our world of automobiles. It's not just a lard-beast with a big engine like the Veyron, it's not flamboyantly hideous like the Pagani, it's not as cold and calculating as a new

You're mixing up your Gigabits (Gb/s) and Gigabytes (GB/s). Sata I is 188 MB/s max, SATA III is 750. This Thunderbolt thingy is 1.25 GB/s, amazing, but not far beyond what a SSD raid could get to very quickly.

I came prepared to my quarter life crisis! Had her since I was 21. No thanks to the 'rents either.

What about an e39 M5? It's kind of my realistic-dream car. I'm going back to grad school so it won't be getting it anytime soon, but just curious about the financial hell hole I'd be stepping into. Really nice looking ones seem to come up for reasonable prices...


Whoa there Ayn Rand. Suggestions of legal action are a small part of this article, and more a hypothetical situation given if Apple winds up in the future controlling the majority of digital content delivery in the US. His whole point at the end is that Apple may only wind up hurting themselves, not that Apple should