
Let's not forget the bigger picture. With Apple introducing the App Store for Mac's, pretty soon they're going to mandate that all applications on your computer are installed through the app store, of course along with this new 30% on anything purchased for your Mac. Hopefully once they do that Apple will finally have

That's the worst of it, as both a developer and consumer, is how often they change their rules. What if I invest in a library from Amazon and they pull out? I have to choose between ditching amazon or the iDevice. What if I write an app and Apple kills the business model? It's all too much for me. If I ever had

Isn't that a feature? Kind of like a chastity belt?

Nice idea, but the focus demo really looks like it's auto-focusing still. No smooth speed-up/slow-down on the racking. Maybe that's a limitation with the camera, it surprises me this is even possible. But I wouldn't want to actually use that for rack focusing during a shot, it's way to robotic, you can see stepping

Whoa whoa I didn't mean to discount the safety of an F1 car at all. I've seen the bad crashes too. I just meant to say that the track designs, or the fact that they're on a track at all (as opposed to rally) contributes a lot. And that perhaps in this very particular instance he may not have been better off in an F1

A lot of the safety in F1 doesn't come from the car. Yeah the crash cages are a miracle of science-y stuff, but I would bet a metal guardrail would tear that up as well. The difference in F1 is that they don't have guardrails. Or anything, really, except tire walls around the whole track.

I'm super paranoid about that. Trouble is it's almost gotten me a couple times the other way, not realizing I need to be stopping faster myself while looking in the rear view. If a sudden stop happens near a shoulder I almost always get over off the road while slowing down just to be sure.

Welcome to the club. You sir qualify to be, eventually, a genuine Motorcyclist(tm) in due time.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for any and all excuses for speeding, and I hope this works, but there's a massive mistake in the conclusion they are making in this study. People's senses are not suddenly heightened at some arbitrary speed that happens to be 12mph above the current speed limit. What, God gave us some

Gotta love all the flickering. Great job taking all that time and effort to shoot a timelapse with autoexposure on like an idiot. Almost as bad as timelapses I've seen with auto whitebalance on.

Like others have said, it's true I would be more concerned with other drivers more than anything. It's a long story but I actually did this in the Sierras with my sportbike, I rode a good 10 miles on an inch or two of snow. And, that was on (literally) ice-cold sportbike tires with a bald rear.

@Turbo-Lover: "pushing current boost limits" would be great, except they're talking about limiting power to current 750bhp levels. Considering they were at 1500bhp 25 years ago this doesn't excite me, and is certainly not pushing the limits of anything.

@jawamachines: I don't think the civil suits are arguing the legality of these images, or whether they constitute child porn or not. They're arguing that putting the faces of (real, living) children into porn is a little fucked up. You could almost make the same argument even if he was photoshopping adult faces. What

It's an evolutionary pre-disposition. If we all didn't outgrow breast milk and start to think it's gross post-baby-times you'd run into a whole host of problems involving your mom, breasts, eating, girlfriends, and psychiatrists. Just think about it for a second. It's not that breast milk isn't natural, certainly more

@Legumes: I hate hippies too, but on this subject you know absolutely nothing. I don't even know where to begin. To show I'm not a goddamn hippie myself, organic means almost nothing, and is not the most important aspect about natural food. You're also comparing unprocessed food and genetically modified, that's apples

@Middleswine: As someone who photoshops for a living, I can't tell from some of the pixels. So no, he has no other proof, unless he can point out to me what exactly I'm missing.

@exartist: "more than a casual interest," eh? Got anything for sale?

@SufferingSaturn: Actually, his head's still there if you look at the last close up carefully. What's worse though is that I think was thrown out of the truck while it was rolling over on the driver door, before it turned over again. If you look he's already outside when the driver door side rolls up again. He was

@taz20075: You're missing the point. A decent photographer should know the implications of shutter speed say on sports action and understand when that should be the priority, for example. His article is in my opinion, refreshingly only about how to take good photographs, not how to use your camera, or what lens to

@Darth Meow 504: I might believe a correlation, but I don't buy it has to do with environmental conditions. There's only one possible explanation that I can think of, and that's that your *parents*, with their particular personalities, tend to get it on at a certain time of year over another, which leads to your