
Lol when you ignore Israeli military and settlers’ constant, every day terrorizing of Palestinians (funny how no one is ever asked to condemn those), yes the most recent event is always a Hamas attack.

Just a labeling system - A for “Adult” - to avoid any unnecessary attention from Matt Gaetz.

I really dislike this woman. She’s insufferable and humourless. Her constant need to overshare every damn detail of her marriage is telling. It seems as if she can’t be as famous as her husband on the steam of her talent, then I guess she can be as famous by writing/speaking about her marriage.

Self Aggrandizing Asshole comes to mind.

My comment has nothing to do with the book— it seems interesting. I just need to point out to you that often gray commenters are better informed than the writers and approved commenters across these blogs. Not everyone is a troll. The elitist attitude of being an approved commenter sucks and being approved says

The dog is rightfully pissed that the Secret Service conveniently made their texts from January 6th disappear. A dog knows what’s up!!!  

It’s not that there are no twitchy, improperly reactive or bigoted dogs, but this is fast getting into but if you encounter multiple bad dogs, you’re the problem territory. Perhaps it’s the SS agents in question who should be “sent to live with friends"

Ever tried to get informed consent from a dog?

Dogs know. People who make my dog get twitchy are people I avoid. 

In a year not a single person will care about the last few months of her time in the Senate

To the coward, dudebra:

“Owning the libs”. It’s all they have left, and they think he’s the best guy for the job.

Lol, yeah, that’s the part that had me wishing CNN hadn’t supposedly made this potential illegal activity known to his handlers so quickly. I wanted it to marinate and spread after hearing MTG was one of the many doing just that, if only to watch them having to recant their own BS and basically admit to having lied.

Any other troopers who were present and failed to stop Davis from assaulting and kidnapping his ex should be brought up on charges as well. 

You dress for the profession you work in.

wait, his deranged ramblings were monetized?!?!

All the towns in the commonwealth, and all the rain fell on Leominster, eh? Thank god it missed nearby Westminster and Fitchburg.

Oh, it wasn’t just that. Not only was she vaping, yelling and carrying on and using her phone with flash, she and her date went on a heavy petting session.

I was genuinely more shocked she was in a theater to watch a performance, than by her subsequent behavior.

This calls for a deep-dive Congressional investigation into why Freedom Caucus members are being singled out for persecution!