
I stopped 2 paragraphs in because you started saying shit about “how america REALLY is” like you have any clue based on that god awful assessment.

Where does abortion poll?
Where does universal healthcare poll?
Where does voting rights poll?
Where does gun control poll?
Where does LGBTQ+ rights poll?
Where do union rights

full of shit and high on painkillers that’s the American way

Pelosi and people like her are EXACTLY why we struggle to have true far left voices on the political stage. She has spent so many years at this point cutting the legs out from under every single person who has even attempted to swing further to the left of her.

There is no “far left” in the US. There isn’t even a left with real sizable representation.

$314 a month is extremely prohibitively expensive for lots and lots of people. Cool you can afford it, though 

I think AOC (who I do not hero-worship) put it best when she said that one of the Democratic Party’s worst traits is that they are not good at ushering in new generations of Democratic leaders. 

So everybody in the US is full of shit?


At least Bernie advocates for actual progressive policies that would benefit younger generations instead of kneecapping them.

And whose coattails has Pelosi been coasting on?

Probably because he’s not as full of himself as Pelosi is. Pelosi’s been riding on coat-tails for years.

“Gold-detecting” is a bit of an odd conclusion to come to when your doctor says to be more physically-active, but it seems like it was the right choice in the end!

I mean, he has a point. People WERE pretty irate and hostile to him about the Supreme Court overturning Roe V Wade, which forced him to start taking private jet trips from Harlan Crow in...

Can’t let people see inside their phony device that it’s a big, fat phony.

Maybe it’s okay to be critical of the scab-adjacent corporate shilling of a high profile pop star with a big platform and his own comms team even if we think the scab-adjacency of that shilling is borne more of ignorance than malice.  It’s not like Starbucks’ union busting is new or unknown, and it’s maybe selling out

Funny, but the joke relies on the premise that a significant percentage of the Fox news audience can make that connection — which of course they can’t.

I’m glad we’re finally learning how to take right wing slights and turn them into marketable campaign advertisements. Like when the the other week at a rally, MTG started talking about all the bad things which were in the New Deal such as highways. The right is giving us marketing gold and we should be utilizing every

Doing more than my portion
To bring back abortion
Burma Shave

“This rhymes a contortion,
But I’m bringing back abortion.”

Granted, we don’t have a ton of legitimate evidence of what really went down, but the narrative that Sam may have preferred Britney’s lifestyle before the conservatorship fell checks out. With a conservatorship still intact, Sam would have less of a direct caretaking role and more of the shiny benefits of existing as