
I bet he just saw the data that showed just how many people have him blocked and it hurt his little man baby feelings. He really is a pathetic human being. 

To be fair, lots of people probably do Part A. It’s where Part B is listed as some kind of normal consequence that I get lost.


Why do all these so called hardworking blue collar middleclass folks who despise elitists keep gravitating towards billionaires?

Living your best life is just different for some people I guess.

I don’t think that employers should be able to force their employees to sign a “morality clause”. I don’t care if they’re religious, employers shouldn’t have that kind of control over their employee’s lives.

The irony of so-called Christians enforcing and entrenching religious bigotry while at the same time whining about “Sharia Law” is stupefying.


I mean the catholics, pedophiles get a free move and different job, have consensual sex with an adult you’re fired.

Creating mental horror is a big part of what I do.

I still can’t believe they’re using the courts as a weapon against criminals.

Nope, not according to the dude upthread who says it may as well have been a leg of lamb 

Has Meatball ever met a Disney lawyer? Does he know what the requirements are to be a Disney lawyer? Because they don't take anyone fresh out of law school. 

Ted.  Ted, Ted, Ted.  The party who is afraid of voters would be the one actively attempting to stifle the rights of voters in every state in which they have the power to do so.  You know, the party that tried to send slates of fake electors to DC to delay or reject the results of a certified-50-times-over election? 

If only the good people, son and wife, were armed there would have been a totally different outcome.  All 3 would be dead.  But, of course, it’s not the guns.  

And there should only be one ballot box for Democratic counties, and it should be as far away from any urban centers as possible, and not on any transportation routes. And it should be open for very generous early voting hours, say, from 6:53 a.m. to 6:57 a.m. on the Friday before the election.”

Hold the phone, Ted Cruz is up next >.>

Amazing how Lindsey Graham once again manages to somehow, against all odds given the other people involved here, say the single dumbest fucking thing possible.

Somebody needs to forward this to Cheetolini.

Willing to die for his assault weapon...okay you fucking dip shit.  Not gonna lie, a HUGE part of me wishes the police were going to go door to door taking away assault rifles.