
Either way it is a beverage with zing.

Good question. I was more stuck on what “picking them up with love” entailed. He was compassionate enough to slow down to 5 mph so they had a decent chance to jump in?

How does an eleven-year-old “take precautions” against being raped and impregnated by her dad, you goddamn fucking piece of shit? Maybe you could ask your daughter or niece.

Unions are not immune to critique but saying “I support unions but I don’t support striking” is a completely asinine take. That’s like saying “I support airplanes but I don’t support flying.” Striking is the main function unions have. When they extract benefits without a strike, it’s because of the THREAT of a strike,

Unions are not so perfect that they are immune to critique.

When the corporation is blatantly advertising the fact that they’re trying to starve out the workers in order to make them accept an unfair deal, then yeah, it’s pretty obvious that the union isn’t wrong here. And complaining about it isn’t being brave and thinking for yourself, it’s giving support to the other side’s

Step aside - RFKjr’s got this.

Evidence at all would be nice.

Hear me out.

I’m sorry, Doctor who? They didn’t mention his name?

Look at all the high level military guys in Qanon, like Flynn.

Also “the government has killed to keep this secret and personally harassed me.”

The surest way I know this is all bullshit is that there is absolutely no fucking way in hell that Trump found out there’s aliens and didn’t immediately go tell Newsmax.

They did provide evidence:

  • Highly advanced” Spacecraft

Shame on everyone in the federal government who gave this guy his desperately desired 15 minutes of fame. They have actual jobs to do (labor, economy, health, anything else but this) but they took their paychecks to play this ridiculous game. They don’t care about helping any of us.

That was sarcasm, the whole thing....? Right? Right? Please tell me it was sarcasm... please! (or if not, really, please see someone, you are not well, you need help)

The first one remains the single biggest anti-conspiracy point in my book. Too many people need to be involved at too many levels around the entire world.

The main thing everyone should be taking away from this is that being in the military makes you no less susceptible to becoming a crackpot conspiracist than any other person in society, and there’s no reason to act like service automatically grants you credibility.

Short version: