
That’s something a human feeling guilty about violating a social norm would say. ~ SkyNet

Well that’s disturbing 

Cruelty is the point

That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action.

This is evil. You make it impossible to get a legal abortion, and then punish women for finding a way around that. 

promote disrespect for the law

Jesus Christ on a cracker.

Variety reports that Tom Cruise actually entreated SAG-AFTRA “to allow movie stars to continue promoting their new films, given the challenging theatrical landscape.” When SAG-AFTRA reportedly counted by asking Cruise to join the picket lines and come out publicly in support of the labor action, he was “noncommittal.”

Yea I’m not sure why anyone would want to go to a desert country full of rich assholes, run by indentured servants(at best) anyhow, tbqh.

I wish I could figure out what the fuck you’re talking about.

He’s been trying to thwart the Dems at every turn, this is the next logical step. The only thing I’m wondering is if he’ll ask Sinema to be his running mate.

large portions of America reflexively side with corporate interests

Counterpoint: we’ve polarized and lost empathy to the point that large portions of America reflexively side with corporate interests. Not because they trust them or have better experiences but because they have the shortsighted attitude of, “Tough shit, my work treats me like garbage too. Stop whining and get a real

1) Yes, he did. Federal employees, which he is, are subject to VERY strict laws regarding accepting gifts and disclosing them. He broke *BOTH* of those laws.

Just imagine what the Gallup polling on allowing Black players into the major leagues before Jackie Robinson would have been. The vast majority of people who are arguing most fervently against trans women’s inclusion are the same ones who let us know at every opportunity how little they care about women’s sports other

on topic: trans athelets have been allowed to compete in the olympics for twenty years and not a single trans medallist has emerged who has won a medal while maintaining HRT regimen. All professional athletes are biological freaks with (for the most part) work ethic — and ZERO cis have been defeated at the olympic

These people do not know what goes into being trans. Trans girls and trans women take testosterone blockers and female hormones, and it changes their bodies a LOT. There are no “males” competing against females. Just because the majority of Americans are against something, does not make them right. There was a time

Trans women are not men. They take testosterone-blockers and female hormones, and this changes a LOT about their bodies and minds. There are no “men” competing against women.

It’s possible to admire Navratilova for being a trailblazer back in the day and still be critical of her present stances. A lot of people’s views calcify as they age. Calling her out doesn’t diminish her previous revolutionary accomplishments.

It’s pretty depressing to see how the Right has succeeded in turning natural allies into enemies. Plenty of gay people and feminists have subscribed to the same conservative ideology over this issue. Especially the completely nonsensical argument that the existence of a tiny, tiny number of trans athletes somehow will