
How about we just replace Hollywood Executives with AI? They are already inhuman morons that can only copy the original ideas of other more talented people, so why not just cut out the middle man?

I actually like it when a male artist doesn’t change the genders in a song he’s covering that was originally sung by a women. It displays a certain comfort with oneself. 

She’s not mad, why should you be? Are you, presumably a white woman, dictating how a black woman should feel? That’s a little racist, isn’t it?

Which is exactly the fucking problem.

Huh. She broke perimeter and was just kind of hovering behind Wembanyama, being ignored by everyone, until she reached out and security reacted.

I get the paycheck they send must keep the other substantial content flowing but culturally these people are void of real value.

Cognitive dissonance actually burns calories. Who knew?

If these turds are concerned about trafficked and sexually abused kids, go visit any Christian fundamentalist compound or any Catholic Church. Those places are ground zero for that shit. 

If people aren’t inconvenienced by protest, what is the point?

Once again, freedom of religion does not mean you are free to force your religion on other people.

I am still so very curious if they adapt Alia at all or how Villeneuve plans to handle that

why does austin butler look like lex luthor jesse eisenberg covered in baby powder

No no, Kim was answering to a higher power than the county...presumably, the same higher power that forgave her for her four divorces. Evangelical Christian doctrine makes Simone Biles look inflexible.

Yes, legend has it that thinking-machine Erasmus was so annoyed by Serena Butler’s wasting time putting together her interminable slideshows with her newborn baby pictures, he literally threw out the baby with the baby water... from a great height... (guess Erasmus was a bit of a Paranoid Android)

Slideshows on websites are how the Butlerian Jihad got started.

This is the entire key to everything. There are a million ways to deny someone business. You can say no shirt, no shoes, no service. You can say you’re overbooked. You can say you’re going on vacation. You can just say no because it’s sunny and you want to go for a long walk.

Meatball Ron is the Jeb! of the 2024 primaries. People thought he’d be a major contender or even frontrunner, but he’s been actively crashing and burning since before he even announced. I think the main reasons are that no one can out Trump the Orange One, his particular brand of Florida politics does not play


Clarence Thomas is a criminal who sells his vote on the court. He needs to be jailed.
