
Content warning on the half-naked Tate pictures, please. He’s horrible enough clothed. I don’t need to see him pouting and flexing in a black diaper.

Which ‘her’?  I’d go with both.

At five paces.

They should settle it like real American women, with assault rifles at dawn

You can take the trash out of the trailer but you can’t take the trailer out of the trash.

A Prime Monster so terrible she killed the Queen.

I’m glad she thought it wasn’t funny, because it would actually be less funny if she could appreciate the joke.

Lettuce not jump to conclusions.

Well, the world thought it was funny.

Liz, one time I mouthed off to a music teacher about his lack of talent, and that guy went ballistic with detention and FURY at me for weeks. You know why? Because my comment was true.

I’ll take Juneteenth over July 4th any time. Black people aren’t scaring my dogs all night.

Eat the rich?

The face of backpfeifengesicht.

“ESG is a tool to advance the Left’s broader cultural agenda” like “efforts to promote ‘gender transitions’ for children.”

^This.  This right here.

I’m still the same person.

If you think I’m horrible, you should meet my friends!”

B/c Dorsey is such a great judge in character and political strategy!? /s

On a positive note,... lots more people are going to pay attention to his bullshit and will likely ruin his family name. I don’t like political dynasties.

Well, horrible people tend to like each other. If your friend is just as shitty as you are, you don’t feel as shitty.