
How many pictures of the same house can you use in a slideshow?

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Here´s a link to good video about the fiction that is “Originalism”

Another repug piece of shit. and no.

I didn´t image it so much as horror, more like surreal art. A 30´s Mickey in black and white with an extra hairy bag.

Thank you for that mental picture.

If it´s to the death I´m fine with it. If not fuck off.

ok looks fine but I want to see the dance scenes.

Where are the building inspectors?

With the entire Freedon caucus standing close behind.

How about;

 Absolutely, insert why not both gif.

“little bitch.”

Pelosi is a piece of shit. She wants Adam Schiff and not a progressive  to fill the seat and doe not care about consequences.

Tastes like chicken?

Not suprised.

Look how well he did at making twitter a free speech haven.

Her little project should be labeled what it is cultural appropriation.

Boy, it´s almost like he hasn’t the faintest idea of what he´s doing.

No body cam footage? How many officers were directly invovled?

My favourite part is when she says to “lead by example” treat people well”.