
He probably fired the only guy who knew how to access that data.

What is with this stupid idea that they should cut costs to meet the dividend? Why should regular employees, who had nothing to do with any strategy decisions, be forced to lose pay? If they actually have cash issues, which no tech company has shown they actually have, then why aren’t they cutting the dividend first?

Sure... Next you’ll be trying to convince Americans that Africa isn’t a country or that Bhutan actually is

“Myanmar Djibouti Baldwin! No açaí for you until you finish your quinoa salad!”

Except Holland is not a country. It is a region of 2 provinces of the 12 total provinces of the Netherlands (the country).

I dunno, Northern Ireland was right there

What can be said about this that hasn’t been said?

How do people (his followers) take him seriously?

Cockroaches, lice, and bedbugs: We aren’t friends with this asshole.

While you may have a glimmer of a point about moderate vs progressive Dems, pinning Kavanaugh’s confirmation on Feinstein is a reach. The voting was almost completely along party lines (with only trusty “Dem” Joe Manchin breaking ranks) and it’s not like having Bernie Sanders leading the fight against him would have

It’s hard for me to find much empathy for people facing the absolute most predictable disaster, which they were warned about for an entire decade. We have GOT to stop developing communities in deserts, river flood zones, and coastal areas at sea level. 

Easier to use a backward country that didn’t sign up to the United Nations moratorium and is close to Mexico

I kind of want to make sure we’ve heard every wild story about him though. We are how many weeks into this and I still see a new headline and I’m like “whaaaatttt”.

I always figured there was a hollywood nepo baby support group that that they were all a part of.

She needs to concentrate on paying taxes and her possible jail time

I would hope that at the age of 45 someone would be over the pettiness of dragging their ex in public, and people cheering that behavior on, but here we are.

First things first, no private or charter school should receive public funding. Ever. For any reason.

“Should a Publicly Funded School Be Allowed to Require Girls to Wear Skirts?”

Based on every post I’ve seen. You might be the most perfect candidate for a Rep Santos position.

I’m a peer. I’ve reviewed this finding.