
I see the dial-up connection at the trailer park is working again.

As if to prove everyone’s point about Kid Rock, along comes old Brandon here.

He didn’t trick her into shit. Oprah has shilled dangerous medical and financial nonsense for ages, and still does on her network shows. She platformed McCarthy’s “vaccines cause autism” bullshit, she made Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil and Orman regulars on her show. She isn’t stupid. She knows exactly what she’s doing and has

He was a snake-oil salesman for ages and people knew about it long before Oprah herself stopped promoting him, and his snake oil reached and damaged millions of people due to her.

He was well-known to be a snake oil salesman LONG before the election.

There are valid reasons to call out Oprah in regards to Dr. Oz, but they’re for bringing him to national prominence in the first place and giving him an unquestioning platform to shill his snake oil, not for endorsing Fetterman over him.

Did he test it to see if it works? He should.

Why not do something slightly less insane, like opening a portal to hell or buying twitter?

All those laid off coders should learn to mine coal.

I have had numerous trusted dog trainers tell me that my anxiety will manifest anxiety in my dog, and that is some wild shit to tell an anxious person.

As another commenter pointed out below, this is a pattern with her. Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, etc., etc. She gives quacks and nutjobs a platform and makes them rich because her audience believes in her.

This piece is silly and misses the point.

In my opinion, this is a bad take. She’s not responsible for his choices, and his choice to run. She is responsible for platforming him and not doing her due-diligence first. She has a history of platforming extremely problematic and damaging individuals without ever coming forward to denounce the damaging things they

I mean, he’s objectively a quack. I don’t know anyone who’s blaming Oprah directly for his decision to run, but she gave him a massive, legitimized platform and has never, not once, spoken publicly about how that was a mistake. I know it’s bad form to speak out, unprompted, against a friend or former friend, but he

Nowhere in this article do I state that Bezos is guilty, or frame the details of the lawsuit as anything besides allegations or claims. What, exactly, would you have rather I did differently?

On the other hand, cretins sure love a good huckster.

Dr. Oz, not just a puppy killer,

Twitter under Musk sounds like it will cement its place as the Mos Eisley of social networks, an unmoderated wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Came here for this. Not disappointed.

“Oh, you’re allergic? Good,” Woods reportedly said.