
Starlink is losing money because it’s a startup, like Tesla (10 years in the red). Starlink has also been funded by the US government and is still funded by them. Musk’s “donations” have been partially paid for by Poland, the US, and other governments.

I had my heart set on becoming a poet, but my father wanted me to follow him and be a crypto miner. Mum held her tongue, until both of my brothers died in a Bitcoin collapse.

Candy corn. Distributing candy corn should get you 15-25. 

The local fire chief had conducted tests on fire hydrants this past August, and one of the hydrants shot out a brick of compacted dry dirt, while another ejected an Axe body spray can, the Washington Post reported.

A false equivalence, in my opinion.

Can this asshole just crash and burn already? Like, seriously, he is a danger and needs to lose his influence.

Kelly’s actions and stances are fundamentally incompatible with feminism, lest you think the movement encompasses all the shitty things women individual women choose to do, rather than being a principled ideology rooted in pro-women values.

Tip #6 for Jordan: If you’re worried about people thinking you’re a sexist asshole, maybe don’t go on The Piers Morgan Show to make your pitch.

Canada doesn’t count. They can’t even spell “harbor” right.


Yes but did Meghan tell you who her father was?

Levar Burton is a national treasure, you can stfu you transphobic dick weed 

You can buy a casket of Amazon.  Or an urn.

Of course the easy solution would be to take the product off the site, but Bezo would not get his cut then.

No, you shouldn’t yell at people like that, period. If she yelled back then it’s in defense and responding in kind. Nice try, tho. Your fellow incels at the Proud Boys shindig may buy that, but we don’t.

Higgins is a psychotic Nazi. He is literally doing everything he can to wipe the human animal off the face of the Earth.

I really want someone to explain why helping someone go to another state for a completely legal procedure in that state is any of the home state’s business, or even where the home state would have standing of any sort to prosecute. 

Rail carriers told a federal mediator that “Rail carriers maintain that capital investment and risk are the reasons for their profits, not any contributions by labor,” which lol. Make your Capital move the trains then, you fucking frauds.

Ah yes since we’ve exhausted exploiting the people already here, so lets bring in more

Well... given that line of thinking, if we make the pay of some “classes” of people to be very low, would that lower prices?