
These people have no empathy whatsoever Only when the shit lands on their font porch do they realize that it smells really bad. They are soulless, bottomless wells of ice and hate and stupidity. They make me sick.

My initial reaction isn’t a nice one. This basic bitch should have known all this before it happened to her. It shouldn’t be necessary for it to happen to her. On the other hand, maybe this basic bitch going on TV is exactly what’s needed to change the minds of people like her?

We are the party of liberty and personal accountability.... unless you are a child or a woman, then we really need to know everything that is going on with your wee-wee and hoo-hoo. Oh, and Jesus wrote the constitution, and maybe slavery was a good thing.

He’s not wrong biologically speaking, which is why 2nd cousins can legally marry in all 50 states. At that level, problematic recessive traits getting excessively reinforced typically only become a problem over several generations in a small population (a very small town, or perhaps early-modern European royalty)

I thought it was frida kahlo, no e?

Please don’t talk about sex addiction & wanting to be a teacher in the same interview, especially when there’s a major political party trying to destroy the entire concept of public education by smearing teachers as sex offenders.

there’s historical precedent for executing people for espionage

I’m starting to think he was the wrong person to be POTUS....

And whenever you pass a woman you tip your fedora to them.

You are correct, not being an asshole is objectively an easy thing to do. “Treat others as you would like to be treated” does not require a strong role model, it requires thought and self reflection, something people seem to be lacking.

No one needs an instruction manual on masculinity. What Peterson and Tate offer are baroque justifications and self-deluding excuses for the insecure to indulge their worst impulses. They offer power fantasies, in other words, just like Captain America and Batman are power fantasies. They feel good, but they aren’t

I didn’t say they were born filled with hate.  These are teenagers, not infants or toddlers.

I don’t think we’re having different conversations. You said that someone could look to Jordan Peterson if they wanted to learn how to be a good man. I am saying that is wrong, not just that I don’t personally want to look to Jordan Peterson. Jordan Peterson can teach you how to be a pathetic, misogynistic, bigoted

Your notifications deserve to be set on fire for the idea that “Jordan Peterson can tell you how to be a good man.” He’s a bigoted, misogynistic hack. (

Can we possibly trade Rodman to get Griner back?  You think Putin would fall for that one?

A 14 year old can give birth to her rapist’s baby, but she can’t check out the Diary of Anne Frank at her school library because that's inappropriate content.

I am very ready for AirBnb and that whole model to die a rapid and painful death.

Here’s an idea: People shouldn’t stay at unlicensed hotels.


Cassowary. That’s the bird you want in your regiment.