
How do you say no to that face.

And the Sackler family walks free. The U.S. is fucked up.

And build a wall.


“where conditions allow, to reconnect with colleagues in person and start regaining the muscle memory of being in the office more regularly.”

It’s not bad enough that you drive a Pinto but then you put wings on it?

If he had dark skin he he’d be dead.

It needs eight spider like arms to hold the patient still while it vacinates them.

and akvavit.


This is amazing given how far away from each other they are. 750 miles doesn’t sound like much but taking in account the geography of Mexico it’s far.

Jesus fuck! 

They’d have all the freedom thaty they could possibly want.

Facial hair and the hair on top of your head for that matter does have a determinate length.

You should have said that they arrived in Mexico on Tuesday the 24th.

Being a husky,malamute and shepard mix, he probably can talk. He just needs a translator.

Shadow Buttigieg

Add to that ,She’s a Modi fan girl and has accept money from hindu nationalist. She is not to be trusted.