
It amazes me of what a backward up place the U.S. has become. I live en central Mexico and our state just legalized abortion.

Hype is the mind-killer. Hype is the little-hope that brings total dissapointment. I will face the hype. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

And Haiti as well.

They were just stopping by for donuts or what?

Hell, I just lick those suckers and wipe em on my tee shirt

Pack the court now.

No manches! I hadn’t seen that yet. Just when you think our ‘Trump Tropical” can’t get any more stupid he goes and outdoes himself.

Gohmert sounds like a fifties slang for backwoods idiot.

You have to sacrifice some pretty babies or small children with double hair whorls. Don’t try using ugly babies things won’t go well

Don’t really give a shit about Gwen Stefani

No shit, I really wish they’d stop with that.

How is it having the dead corpse of govenment clogging your bath tub drain.

Should just load all of them into a giant wickerman then the gods might save them the coming brexit.

think he’d notice?

Everyone should send him lifts for his tiny feet.

Biden is a punk. He needs to be like LBJ Or FDR and take Manchin and Sinema out behind the woodshed .

Call what they are right wing democrats. There is nothing moderate about them.

A cat’s attitude is about two to three times the volume of their body, possible more.