
It always reminded me of Andalusia

Sure, it’s all fun and games until someone breaks the space time continuum

Can we add a couple thousand of these little guys to the pit. It’s a poisionous caterpillar that produces a painfull burning rash. (from personal experience, It hurts like hell) :)

The author and NBC used an edited version oth the clip. Here’s the whole thing,

You and NBC used a edited version of this video to make Old Uncle Joe look less bad.

Came to say the same.

I recomend that everyone click here.

Now playing

No shit, look what media outlet tump invited to Davos.

As my mother used to say to me and my brother when we were little,” Take a nap, I’m tired

I’ve thought about having my body buried at sea off the coast of the pacific northwest so that dungeness crabs can eat my carcass . It would only be fair.

Yeah, He’s seems to be taking Laura Ingraham advice..

they think he’s just trolling,” Call me crazy but maybe the POTUS should not be trolling.

Fox and Friend need to convince him that it will the biggest, most watched impeachment ever.

It’s the real reason the right is anti abortion. They’re not ripe and it’s a waste of good baby

Klobuchar wants to provide them free binders paid for with you tax dollars.

But only if its’ running mate is Giant Meteor

Let’s return to the good old days

No, he’s

So, doing you’re job and upholding the law is too divisive ?

I would wager that Fatty McFuckhead is a fairly apt description and his lawyer should advise him to google Streisand Effect.