Honestly, it’s kind of the same thing I saw in the Super Bowl where the Denver defense just absolutely removed an entire team’s (Carolina) will to live.
Honestly, it’s kind of the same thing I saw in the Super Bowl where the Denver defense just absolutely removed an entire team’s (Carolina) will to live.
Good. Positive step. Now let’s see systemic change. The majority of Peace Officers should, at the most, be armed with good old fashioned revolvers. No need for tactical firefight weaponry for all of them. Training should be for deescalation and commendations should be awarded for that. I hope this idiot rots in jail.…
I never read The Handmaid’s Tale but I assume it takes place in present-day Edina.
This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The…
Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.
*Scans list*
Its the old nature v nurture argument: Are they evil because they lack a chin or do they just lack chins because they are evil?
Q: “Where is the incest?”
Huh. Wouldn’t have figured you for a Crossfit guy. You seem like you’d be too busy for the mandatory talking about Crossfit for seven hours a day.
I’ve done Murph a couple times (no vest), and I think my best time ever was around 55 minutes. For comparison, I can run a mile in 5:30, two miles at 13:00 without feeling particularly winded, rock climb regularly at V4s pushing to V5s, and oh yeah, I played in the fucking NFL.
That number seems light. Really light. Shit, there’s, what, 320,000,000 people here in the US alone. And another 7,000,000,000 scattered around the world. I could probably conduct a 3 degrees of separation and come up with about 100,000,000....
You and roughly 67,999,999 other people. Roughly.
This family keeps finding new ways to get people to hate them. You gotta respect that.
I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.
Ted Nugent is a guy who once bragged about shitting his pants to avoid serving his country. The fact conservatives embrace him is just another reason why their world view is irreconcilable with critical thinking.
She’s not his daughter and therefore he has no desire to get it in with her.