You realize Activision and Bungie cut ties prior to this release right?
You realize Activision and Bungie cut ties prior to this release right?
You just glossed over trading Billups for Iverson and then the next off season spending $100m on Ben Gordon and Charlie Villanueva...
All that government mandated raking from his childhood is finally paying off.
Weird flex but ok.
Luckily Nebraska only offers scholarships to stand-up, well behaved citizens.
Little brother fired up this AM!
Carpenter jeans were a great thing for a minute.
5 story missions, new raid, “hoard” mode called Archon’s Forge (mix between Court of Oryx and Prison of Elders), and new patrol zone. I would say more than House of Wolves but less than Taken King. The price of $30 sort of represents that as well.
Fun fact: The Denver Nuggets let former player Dan Issel run the team in the late 90's and he named HIMSELF the coach.