
You realize Activision and Bungie cut ties prior to this release right?

You just glossed over trading Billups for Iverson and then the next off season spending $100m on Ben Gordon and Charlie Villanueva...

All that government mandated raking from his childhood is finally paying off.

Weird flex but ok.

Luckily Nebraska only offers scholarships to stand-up, well behaved citizens.

Little brother fired up this AM!

Carpenter jeans were a great thing for a minute.

5 story missions, new raid, “hoard” mode called Archon’s Forge (mix between Court of Oryx and Prison of Elders), and new patrol zone. I would say more than House of Wolves but less than Taken King. The price of $30 sort of represents that as well.

Fun fact: The Denver Nuggets let former player Dan Issel run the team in the late 90's and he named HIMSELF the coach.