SaabLife, because Gripen

In before morons “point out” how much maintenance costs on these.... you can buy an entire SMG on ebay for $1500, and can code it yourself for $30 and a little bit of desire. Oh yeah, they also come in 6mt with a transmission nearly identical to the e39 m5 (because same amount of torques), and an entire clutch kit

Because it’s random and hilarious?

This is factually inaccurate. SpaceX has made controlled vertical landings many times. They are attemtping to do so now on a floating barge. That is a much more complex problem

Have you met his late night posts. This man is golden.

I don’t know. They may have a point. Those cups don’t look anything like the ones Jesus drank his Gingerbread Lattes out of.

We could have awesome vehicles like this, but nooo... I’m in a country full of fat lazy slobs who “need” an SUV because of “kids” but it’s really because they have adequacy issues, AND want a car because god forbid a pothole jostle their 44oz Big Gulp or wake up the demon-child in the back seat, so we get useless


This is just tragic. Very sad.

I remember just staying in myseat after watching The Mist completely slack-jawed. I was just trying to imagine the pain this guy must be in. I still think about it from times to times. If it was me, honestly, I think I would probably not last long before shooting myself. I know some people didn’t like the ending, but

They could spend some of it getting the salt out of you.

Cancel it?

That’s... That’s not how high speed rails work... Not even how long distance trains work really.

What is Japan, then? Middle Earth?

High speed rail is very real in many other countries. US is the only place that somehow can’t figure it out.

Yet in an age where seemingly anything with a microprocessor seems vulnerable to hacking, electronic and cycber attack, the Iowa Class represents the ultimate in analogue naval firepower.

I guess you can say somebody...

The SAAB Aero X concept wouldn't have saved the company from oblivion. But it would have made up for the 9-2X and 9-7X.

300 HP turbo four cylinder, with an honest-to-goodness six speed manual in a car that weighs ~2700 lbs