SaabLife, because Gripen

Doug DeMuro.

I’m speccing out a Camry. When it comes time to sell, we’ll see who has the last laugh.

Cars typically are pretty big.

... I had to double check where you said you were from since you weren’t using freedom units to measure temperature.

The original generation 9-5 is what you were describing. The 9-5 was all new and extremely modern. It also drives very, very well. Great engine, very advanced Haldex system, good interior materials save for wood, great seats, great looks.

Can you come by and push my clutch in every morning? It’ll just take a second.

As long as we’re throwing money at the problem, why not just go for the heated attached garage? Works wonders for me.

Look at you, Uncle Pennybags

Scruffy’s gon’ die the way he lived.

I want to die in my sleep, like my grandfather, and not screaming and yelling, like the passengers on the bus he was driving.

So did I.

“Jalop” here. I don’t necessarily disagree. I’d like the option to be able to get to and from work without having to drive, and I fully recognize that having mass transit would reduce traffic so that on the occasions I would drive for fun would be more enjoyable. and it might lessen the chance that some dickhead would

Jalop here. I just want to be able to drive or ride in my own car whenever I want to and it will be parked in my garage when I’m at home.

Fuck the haters, this is a gorgeous car.

You are fine with 90% of the products you own being made in China, but not your automobile?