SaabLife, because Gripen

Ok, that happened only ONE time!

Aww, dang. Was hoping for a autum coloured/themed Gundam. This is nice though.

I didn’t know Maserati built their interiors by gutting mid-2000s Chevy Malibus.

Well get ready for every character to Nolanize their backstory in long, winding monologues because Nolan thinks the audience are idiots and believes the only way to explain the movie’s ideas directly to the audience rather then show them.

Please no, please no, plase no, please no, please no, please no, please no...

these are 100% the worst people in the jalopnik community. nobody gains anything from disparaging something that’s actually, and not ostensibly or arguably, great. it’s fucking stupid. tesla rules sorry.

That’s going to look awesome running over children on residential streets under cover of diplomatic immunity. Red splatter will really offset the blue.

And all it cost was a tripling of the national debt from 1981-1988. Leadership and pride, indeed.

I know Cruise Missles and other things are better than 16 inch guns, but damn Battleships are sexy.

what if the shuttle blows up?

You haven’t read the novel it’s basedon I’m assuming

You’re both wrong. Burton Batmobile is best Batmobile.

I seriously got through about 2 paragraphs and then I woke up...I must have blacked out, because now I have a keyboard imprint on my forehead.

Who. Fucking. Cares!?

I hate fucking idiots. Why are there so many. Goddamn.

not seeing much diffrence in the two.

We need an ability to give negative stars.