
Do you need a lesson in reading comprehension? I can recommend quite a few remedial courses that might aid you. I never said everything sucked and was merely stating my opinion of the deals this year. I am sorry that somehow your fucking ego is so thin that someone criticizing a corporation (of which I have been a

Do you need a lesson in reading comprehension? I can recommend quite a few remedial courses that might aid you. I


I mean shit, I wouldn’t have even tried applying to UT if I didn’t get in automatically. Barely anyone gets in that way if they’re not a top-ten-percenter.

I’m one of the white girls who ended up transferring to UT. My high school grades were mediocre, but I went to another school and did my bestest and applied and

Same here. If I got a 3.5 GPA and a 1180 SAT, they would have told me I should have worked harder and encouraged me to do better. They would never have told me that I was born special enough to be mediocre and still get exactly what I want.

Yep with a dose of life isn't fair and schools choose students for lots of reasons and go to a place that wants you there.

My dad is likely anti-A.A., is self-proclaimed to be color blind, and will use racist slurs. And even HIS response to this would have been “so you go to another school for your freshman year. That’s fine.”

That’s what I did; community college for a year and then applied to private schools as a transfer. Of course, it turns out Barnard and Wellesley were effing expensive even with scholarships. SUNY for me, and it was a great education anyway.

I would be disappointed if I were rejected, but mortified if my parents had to sue to get me admitted. Where are these people’s sense of shame?

yea totally. even like — “go to a different UT for 9 months and then transfer by the option that is already available to you”

Right? I mean, my parents are actually pretty racist, sadly, and even they would have told me to suck it up and go somewhere else, or spend a year at another state system school and transfer in. I just can’t imagine not getting in when I *don’t meet automatic admissions criteria* and then assuming it’s because I’m

I’m a long time out of college but my parents advice would have been “do better at another school and transfer”

IT is unutterably sad to me that her parents did not sit her down and make her realize that she did not get in to the college of her choice because she did not earn it. Bottom line. These upper middle class parents need to get real with their offspring: race and money can only get you so far. Granted, it will get you

Yeah, and while the article says they “were allegedly used” to arouse the kids, the cop examining the material repeatedly says “based on my training, this sort of material can be used for ‘grooming’ young subjects.” It’s completely speculative, sounds more like they went through a bookshelf and pulled out anything

I went and looked at the police report linked to by Radar Online. A lot of the books were monographs by artists and photographers, which are specifically noted to “not meet the standards for child pornography” in the report. The pictures reproduced in the police report were def. unsettling, but nothing you might not

Radar and Jez are sensationalizing here: It wasn’t child porn. It was legal, if unsavory, art photography. Apparently Jackson had an enormous collection of art books. It’s creepy the collection included so many naked pictures of kids, especially given what else we know about his personal life, but it wasn’t anything

Yes. I’m calling bullshit on this story. The PDF linked in the Radar article notes that none of the materials found rose to the level of child pornography, and a look at the included images would tell anyone that these are art photography books, which is exactly what Michael Jackson said they were.

Reubens had a collection, much of it bought in lots at auction, of old muscle’n’fitness magazines, nudist lifestyle stuff, and vintage erotica. The DA said it did not meet the definition of child pornography. A city attorney later brought lesser charges against Reubens. I haven’t seen his collection, obviously, and I


there really is nothing less sexy than a combover. its like trying to hide it makes you look less confident and uglier

I grew up in Israel. It really is a reasonable amount to spent when it’s basically a heated stovetop 9 months out of the year.