
It was years before I stopped randomly bursting into tears in the car, at the post office, and occasionally at the supermarket (of all places). Years. But there’s nothing “normal” or “abnormal” about any of this, and fuck anyone who tries to make you feel bad about “grieving wrong.”

Spend as much time as you can with your father now. Nothing else is as important. You will regret it if you don’t. As for the fears of the reliving the experience and the sappy condolences. Both of those will happen but you’ll manage. The condolences will only sound silly for a minute before you appreciate their

There is a gulf between mourners and the rest of the world. We want to talk, but we don’t want to make people uncomfortable. We can tell they want to say something, but they don’t know how.

A whole new meaning to “honey pots”!

Bedbugs from a questionable apartment building, that I didn’t know I had for months (I’m one of those rare people who’s not especially allergic to their bites) that I moved with me to a new apartment, and felt biting my neck and SCURRYING ACROSS MY CHEST one morning. I got rid of them but damn near gave myself PTSD in

Unless their did their PhD in the era before Office, in the land of carbon paper, white-out and (manual) typewriters.....

I’d have to manage someone who would constantly be telling me that’s not the way she did it.

Seen on bumper sticker recently:
Science flew us to the moon.
Religion flew airplanes into buildings.

Word. I’m really good at accounting (putting money in boxes!), was (weirdly) pretty good at geometry and calculus (not that I remember them now) but fuck me, certain algebra concepts are still beyond me: matrices, probability (“’if you have a deck of cards, what’s the chance that one will be the gold King of Siam in

...then the immigrant, an artist with a keen eye and a temper, falls in love with her sham-marriage partner... hilarity ensues!!

There is indeed nothing new under the sun.

If your 21st was like mine, the handover must have just barely cleared before the wedding!

A kurva!

“In its current form, this is a legacy of Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon, who didn’t just pander to a grievance-stricken right wing but in many ways created it, taking advantage of mass suburbanization and white flight to stoke fears of the Other that underwrite our politics today.”

I can’t decide if I’d rather see al-Baghdadi drone stricken or captured then publicly tortured to death....

Man, Third Eye Blind played at my college’s spring festival in the early 2000s. “Blinded” was the big hit of that era. It’s the soundtrack of that God-foresaken summer: grieving, depressed, lonely, drunk and more than a bit caught up in my on-again, off-again FWB.....

Fair enough. I thought maybe it might be a poetic usage, but that would be.... odd in this context....

“fell pregnant”? Attack of the stork?

Well, he was her ex-stepbrother at the time of such crush, and that’s a slightly different genre....