
Having seen a dear, dear relative grow sick and die from kidney cancer, I’d have punched her in the throat. Then hit her with the book for good measure. (But that’s just me.)
This crazy bitch on tv should live so long that she gets cancer!

Those machines are designed to be as slow and exasperating as possible. “YOUR... TOMATOES.... WEIGH... 2... POUNDS... 6.... OUNCES... AND... COST.. THREE... DOLLARS... AND TWELVE..... CENTS...... PUT..... YOUR.... 2.....POUNDS....6...OUNCES....OF......TOMATOES..... ON....THE....CONVEYER.....BELT......


Ok, whatevs, you trashy hypocrite snowbilly hick....

Or a more localized approach:

A good friend of mine went right after college. She had an ok time (she was waylayed by food poisoning most of the trip so she looks pale and weak in the photos). She said the commentary was fairly balanced but the atmosphere was very “so you’re going to meet nice Jewish boys/girls and make lots of babies, RIGHT????”

Extreme itchiness especially at night. Like, claw your skin off itching. They can’t be seen as they’re microscopic mites. But the skin can be red. Eventually you’ll see ‘tunnels’ in the skin. There’s no test so it’s based on symptoms— and trying the pesticide cream treatment to see if it works. It was pure hell.

Makes me miss living in Budapest when I studied there. I have a special love for Margit-sziget: it’s such a rare thing in a major city!

I just can’t with the mothers day racket. My mother died when I was in my early 20s. There are so many other things that remind me of this fact— birthdays, holidays, the anniversary of her death, anytime I have fun/sad news to share, when I see something that reminds me of one of our jokes, when I see someone in a

She’s free from pressure by the state as to whether to wear a scarf or not. That’s the point of separation of church and state. Nice try, though!

True. I only mention this since I had to do 2 applications because my case was so advanced (I thought I was having an allergic reaction to new laundry soap for like 4 months... fail), and I can see the pitfalls of shoddy cleaning.

That’s so terrifyingly sad.

Fuck. I’d have gone back to the Keystone State and found a doctor to treat me there. And there’s water ice in the summer!

Having had scabies (which is pure, unadulterated torture), I wonder if they were doing the pesticide cream and cleaning correctly. You have to apply the cream over EVERY INCH of your skin— cracks, crevasses, face, genitals, EVERYWHERE. (And it burns while on festive places like the scrotum and perianus). Then, while

Ok, so I missed the original article so here’s my experience with sexism as a guy in the workforce. I work for a medium sized professional services company, doing IT-related stuff. My boss is the head of our group, and she has an actual degree in serious computer sciences, like mainframes and punch cards (I’m a

This. I used the Costco brand (same ingredients as Hartz etc), which made my cat throw up after every application AND didn't keep the fleas off. So now I use Revolution (rx only), but Frontline is also very good (not rx). They might be a bit pricey (~$15/month) biut they're safe for the cat and they work. It's a good

My cat has every toy known to man (thanks to a certain impulse-buying pet parent, and RunnerGranny who has an eye for clever toys) and still he loves ping pong balls, wadded up paper, paper bags and cardboard boxes best. (Catnip-filled hedgehogs and mousies are second on the list.)

Send them back as a warranty claim.

My best friend's approach is exactly this: she and her husband are Mother and Father and they make the rules. This stance alone makes things easier, along with picking and choosing battles. small children are not little adults and cannot behave the same way.

Ceiling Cat is most displeased!

The food scene has really grown in the last couple of years, but Primanti's is not exactly it.