
"Well those loose wimmin who wants abortions should just shelter the poor in their pendulous, swinging labia!!!1!!!!!!!11!"
-Scott Walker, "culture of life" warrior

Not outside the Fox Noise bubble, actually.

You can get scabies from a towel! That's how I gave them to a roommate when I had them from an ill-washed thrift store find.

Who thinks this? Horny teen girls with no comprehension skills?

"If you're going to kill anyone, kill the mother! Oh, I know what you're going to say: if you kill the mother then the fetus will die too! But it was going to be aborted anyway, so it can go down with the ship!"

Dump the motherfucker already. You don't need that shit. (And look into the resources for those caring for those with ALS. Being a caregiver is extremely taxing, even if you're used to it.)


Well I'm Jewish but one side is Christian, so I've always sorta done both, though in my house it's only Jewish holidays. (No Hanukkah bush, thankyouverymuch, but I do like to buy sparkly, shiny snowflake-type ornaments and hang them about for Hanukkah. (I'm talking like 3.))

That's so awesome. Does she have one of those kits, with the hard plastic walls? My best friend and her hubby bought one a couple of years ago and it's lovely.

Isn't Epiphany the same as Orthodox Christmas? Or do they have their Epiphany some days later?

I love that "al cheit" is an alphabetical list of categories of sins. Categories! We're such an organized people, lol.

But apricot! Raspberry! Chocolate! Halva!! Cherry! So many lekvars to choose from!!!

I love that Costco sells premade hamentaschen for Rosh Hashanah. The goyim aren't exactly sure when we eat them but om nom nom!!!

I don't do Rosh Hashana but I miss my grandmother's apple cake. (Whole Foods' is close though...)

Do you build a sukkah and everything? I want to be into Sukkot but I can't. I just can't. Pesach is fun but stressful because you've got to clean, shop and cook for a gazillion people then feel bad because you're not keeping kosher.

I wonder if the distribution of the Jews in Eastern Europe influences the relationship patterns: people from Germany, Poland, Belarus/Ukraine (Pale of Settlement), Lithuania, Latvia, etc .

This email is both racist and stupid. I thought the goal of sports teams was to build on regional loyalities? Or is that a northeast thing? If you look at Eagles, Steelers, Ravens, Redskins fans, you'll see they're of all colors, classes and walks of life. Are other parts of the country not like this?

I wonder why Israel has its own plug? Why not the EU plug everyone else in the neighborhood uses? Or even the US or UK plugs?