
why do police kill people's animals when they're no threat to them? For fun?

I just recently finished cleaning out the estate of an older relative, and found a whole cache of LHJ from the 1970s. They were hysterical and I felt badly about sending them off to the big dumpster in the driveway.....

Lord have mercy. <Blanche Devereaux fanning herself.gif>

Cue the "outrage" over the "knockout game"on Fox "news"....

Oh that poor man. His despair must have been terrible: Parkinson's is an awful disease.

"This American Life" had an interview with this kid, Adam, this spring, and discussed his quest to find treatment. There's something to be said for creating some kind of treatment that will help those who find themselves with these sorts of urges/impulses so they don't try to have sex with minors. While one can

It seems like this police force got its training from the Soviet internal security forces....

But military toys are much more fun for overgrown boys, none of that sissy "teaching children to read and do math" nonsense. Endless war forevar!!!!!

*Helen Lovejoy* Won't someone please think of the children!?!?!?!?!?!

Fair thee well, and may you be well-equipped in the next world.

Oh broken plurals, you ruin everyone's day!

Hmmm. Perhaps this is a geopolitical spin on the traditional "good girl likes the bad boy" meme? The women who do go to a war zone to meet some guy from the internet are also not exercising the best of judgement. Aren't there nice boys at home to date??

Obama went to Africa and gave everyone Ebola to distract us from Benghazi and the IRS. THANKS OBAMA!!!!11!!!

Were the vehicles towed from a public road or from private property? On what grounds does he claim he had the right to remove these vehicles? This sounds like a shakedown: I'm going to tow your car and you'll have to pay me big money to get it back and hope your whomever doesn't find out where your car was towed from.

Right? It's not like she didn't get to go to college at all, anywhere, because she didn't get a place at UTA. She was offered a deal of going to a satellite campus for a year to improve her grades then transferring. A sensible person who was dying to go to UTA would have said "sweet!" and done it. But no. Princess

As with most things internet, the comments on the Instagram account are priceless.

Incorrect. If it's ok for my man bits, it's ok for my face.

What's a "Vine"? Who is this bastard? I want him off my cyberlawn!

This is why one should always Google a potential new house!