
Right? It's not like she didn't get to go to college at all, anywhere, because she didn't get a place at UTA. She was offered a deal of going to a satellite campus for a year to improve her grades then transferring. A sensible person who was dying to go to UTA would have said "sweet!" and done it. But no. Princess

As with most things internet, the comments on the Instagram account are priceless.

Incorrect. If it's ok for my man bits, it's ok for my face.

What's a "Vine"? Who is this bastard? I want him off my cyberlawn!

This is why one should always Google a potential new house!

"My Mistress's eyes are nothing like the sun,Coral is far more red than her lips red,If Snow be white, why then her breasts are dun,If hair be wires, black wires grow on her head,I have seen roses damask'd red and white,But no such roses see I in her cheeks,And in some perfume is there more delight,Than in the breath

Look at my face! Am I bothered?

Did Jenny McCarthy give the whole crew measles or something because she didn't vaccinate her kids? Good riddance to that idiot!

Why? To have it washed and folded? I'm sure they can find someone closer to home to do that...

Actually, Indian food is rather tasty in my book. I just can't eat it out because it gives me the shits. Then again, a lot of other things do that too. My intestines are offended on an equal opportunity basis. (I have had better experiences when I make it at home— something about the quantity of butter/oil that's used

Well then, multiculti warrior, enjoy some dog stew! While you're at it, bind some feet, slice off some clitorises (clitorides?), burn some widows and drink some fermented blood, since it's forbidden to point out that these are gross or inappropriate.

Chinese people are grossed out by Americans' consumption of dairy and cheese, so it does work both ways. And honestly, my disgust at the joy these people have at eating dog outweighs whatever criticism you might toss. I get it, other cultures have different ideas about what's edible, but I still can judge. Especially

We're so glad the PC Police have arrived to remind us that it's totally arbitrary which animals one group of people find acceptable to eat, while other groups may eat different ones, then to shame us for being grossed out by savages eating dogs.

Ugh. They'll eat anything.

I don't find him hot... but the memes are funny.

Liz and Hils 2016!!!

hateful, jealous, little minds

Did she speak Pennsylvania Dutch? I think it's so cool! (It's technically a dialect of German spoken in southwestern Germany and Switzerland, so it's more like Swiss German than High German.)

English, Haitian Creole and Spanish?