
keep an eye out for it's female patrons

Ew. Maybe she should see someone about that? (Try the products designed for pet stains... poo is poo and all...)

So that's the trick!?!?!? lol

As someone who's slightly lactose intolerant, it's usually a quantity thing with me: a small portion of custard or ice cream, and I'm ok. A glass of milk— I'd better be near a bathroom in 20 mins. (I'm ok with yogurt and cheese in nearly unlimited quantities (om nom nom!), which is why I think I'm only slightly

Those thighs. Lord have mercy. *pant*

I was SURE, SURE that this would be in Florida. Alas, it's Texas, Florida's hotter, drier cousin.

There's also a school of thought that suggests that regional efforts work best for these sorts of localized conflicts. So here it would be the African Union. Not all parts of the world have strong regional intergovernmental groups that can conduct (quasi-) military actions. (Note, there are various ways (political

Here's the thing though, when you pressure Western powers, particularly the American government to get involved in African affairs and when you champion military intervention, you become part of a much larger problem. You become a complicit participant in a military expansionist agenda on the continent of Africa.

My cat knows when I'm not feeling well— when I was in bed for like a week last winter with a chest cold I couldn't shake, he stayed with me the entire time, only leaving for food and box trips.

White chocolate is soooooooo gooooooooooood. Then again, I love all shades of chocolate for they are all equal in deliciousness.

The USPS already does sell all sorts of stamps intended for collecting, mostly collectors versions of current stamps, but not like some of the smaller countries for whom it is an essential industry (San Marino anyone?). Still, I'd looooove me some Tom of Finland stamps!

Well someone's going to be butthurt that he wasn't invited to Whore Island...

Clearly animals have souls— maybe not people souls but souls, unlike rocks and plants and such. Look at all of the mentions of animals as equal wonders of creation in the Bible, and recognition of their role in human society.

I think this involves a factorial! Who knew that faint piece of mathematical knowledge from 11th grade might be useful one day!?!

The higher the hair, the higher the deductions!

I'm over 30 and it horrifies me!

True. Real history is not nearly as fun as their made-up versions of history. They do love *their* free stuff— just as long as no one else gets any!

I thought they practically printed (pre-Federal Reserve) money (pounds and shillings) due to the hard-on the teabaggers have for the colonial/revolutionary era. I mean, they berate actors dressed as Benjamin Franklin and George Washington about Ye evils of Central Oppression so Colonial Williamsburg must really make

Well not IN in my eyes, nose or mouth, but I do use soap on my face and other tender areas. If you don't use soap on the glans, doesn't it get greasy (?) with just a water rinse?