
It's a hat-tip to the homosexual contingent who care about low taxes and personal responsibility....

That's how I've always felt about JCP. It might not have been snazzy but the prices were decent (especially when there were sales and/or coupons), the merchandise was good quality and there's an interesting selection. The home goods are great— I have towels and sheets that are 10+ years old and are still going strong

Bed, Bath and Beyond has a wonderful registry system— in person help and an online component.

Ignore the 18 year olds who snark. The advantage of being an adult learner is that you know exactly what you want to do and you're going to make it happen. That's all that matters. It might not be pleasant at the moment but it's worth it and it will work out. Study hard!!

Maybe all of the moldy vaginas had made him lose his mind? "Another day, another yeast infection..."

Another reason people who become physically dependent on opioids (like after an accident or surgery) turn to heroin is because the opioid withdrawal is so horrible that they simply cannot deal with it— and they get little support beyond "cut the percocets down gradually, have fun being pukey for 2 weeks, kthxbai." If

Not really, only the ones that have evangelizing others as a central tenant, ie, fundamentalist Christianity. Many religions are not so interested in taking converts (us Jews, for example: come for the bagels and lox, but then go home.) or even accept converts (Zoroastrianism, for example).

Ugh. It sounds like cheap crap, not the nicer (very durable) quality stuff. This is what I was thinking of— I think they have it at Home Depot, Lowe's etc.

It is if you don't let water sit on the wood. I suggest using one of those hardwood cleaner sprays— the dirt the pick up is amazing (and terrifying). Check what the manufacturer recommends, though I've had good luck with the Zep brand from Home Depot.

A dirty one at that.

*its claws

Ugh. Just ugh. I feel bad for people who get themselves sucked into such scams, because they're too greedy/desperate not to see what is likely glaringly obvious, or because they're simply not well educated and/or not well versed enough to realize when they're being had. At least lotteries and casinos can be

Well many of the same demographic do love the lottery and trips to Vegas (or their state's new(ish) gaming parlors....

By convincing the poor that they too can be zillionaires, if they just work hard enough! (Hiding the fact that the system is rigged to limit social mobility...)

I thought he was a plumber? Automakers have plumbers working for them? Heh, I learned something new. Either way, he's definitely Capt. False Consciousness!

Ugh. They should be the first of the libertarians to be shipped off to Somalia, their tax- and government-free promised land! (Bring clean drinking water because there's none clean there.)

Very true, though it's not a $600 iphone, I still wouldn't drop $100 on a plain phone without wifi if I'm just going to tinker with it at home (or even if I were going to use it as a backup phone or for traveling abroad, part of the appeal is being able to use low-cost mobile providers, and wifi is a big part of such

It doesn't have WiFi, which is something of a buzz kill for a cheap semi-smart phone— you've got to have a data plan to take advantage of its cool features

YES! I did the same to my flip flops (which I wear as house shoes) in September but I was lucky to find some on clearance at Old Navy. I might have bought like 3 pairs, just in case, at the shocking, shocking price of $2 each.