
This is nothing new. A few years ago I (thought I) lost a glove somewhere and went to buy a new pair in February. I figured, hey, it's still cold and snowy, so I'm sure I'll find gloves easy-peasy, right? Wrong. All of the stores had sunglasses, board shorts and flipflops on sale. There wasn't a glove to be found,

"I'm sharting right now!"

The interwebs fails us not....

Interesting. But there are only like 5 types of blood, so it's much broader than astrology. Do they use them in combination? (I have type B blood but I'm not a "bad boy" as such....)

That's such an odd, yet brilliant, premise for a romcom. Cue the hilarity!!

Are we SURE this happened in Kentucky, not Florida? 'Cuz this has "Florida" written all over it.

Now we know which Jonas brother is the (delicious) homosexual....

Nobody intelligent actually believed that the HPV vaccine caused girls to run and turn into loose whores, only Christian fundamentalists. They also believe the earth is flat and is only 6000 years old, so science is not their strong point in their book lernin'!

I saw something about feminist, lesbian communists— sounds like my kind of party! lol


All the more reason for free, universal health care INCLUDING birth control and abortion services for those who want them! (Conservatives oppose these things as they want a large, poor underclass as this is a pool of easily exploitable labor...)

Ugh, who wants supermarket sushi? Food poisoning on fake plastic grass!

They are restricted to human homes, where they must obey commands and can only eat, drink, and even urinate when humans allow them to.

Secondly — and here's a reason that people who call themselves "pro-life" should be into this — according to Guttmacher, 73% of women who have abortions say that economic impact of childbearing played a big factor in choosing to end their pregnancies.

Yes. The minute I turned 30, I developed slight love handles that hang over the side of my undies and that I glare at in the mornings. I was warned, though!

Right? I was on a limited budget in grad school, and it was a challenge, but if something BAD had happened, I had a middle class family to go home to. Poor people don't have these sorts of resources, and living on a shoestring is not a project for a couple of years, like for students, but is a way of life.

My grad school diet was mostly eggs and pasta. Not because I was totally impoverished (I was very fortunate) but because I was lazy and am a crappy cook. But man, I could bake me some yellow potatoes!!

Did you realize the reason many boxed meals (such as hamburger helper) have pictures on the back of the cooking is for the low literacy people. It's why those meals are so popular.

Maybe you want an ass like his? I know I do!! Where do I sign up??? (Hers isn't bad either, actually...)

Don't tell Mugatu.