This show makes all forms of parenting and child-rearing, at any age, look horrible. HORRIBLE! (And I was over 25 when it came on, so I can only imagine my 16-year old self being even more horrified.)
This show makes all forms of parenting and child-rearing, at any age, look horrible. HORRIBLE! (And I was over 25 when it came on, so I can only imagine my 16-year old self being even more horrified.)
I still think these complaints are more entertaining. Also, 2 Broke Girls is a horrible show, even without discussions of fingering and first date anal sex.
Ugh. That's as bad (worse?) as those hippies with the saviorcomplexes, who go to [war-, disease-torn place] to "help," thereby becoming an "expert" on said place when they get back to the US/Western Europe. Innocent, interested questions about their place (what's the food like? the weather?) get you attacked for being…
That's a typical upper-class view from someone from a developing country. I used to have clients from 3rd world countries ordering me around like a servant, because I didn't fit into their native caste system. (And they were spoiled assholes.) They don't get that they're (likely) from an already privileged family, and…
It would, but we all know her name. Maybe if she looked back at Marcus Bachmann it would happen??
Interesting! I've never been to Ireland but I'd love to go. Be glad your country isn't full of crazy people (even after years of economic crisis)!
My guess is that in other first world countries, not vaccinating your child is considered neglect, not a festive lifestyle choice, and is therefore not an option. In second and third world countries, too many people remember/have seen these diseases and want to prevent them in the future.
Just be very careful. That sort LOVES their guns....
Beret of poodle, on my noodle it shall rest.
I really hope that I can still refer to her as that "dehydrated corpse yammering on the tv."
Baba Yaga is the best way to describe her. (You get 10,000 stars!) I keep waiting for her head to start spinning around and pea soup to gush forth from her mouth, a la "Death Becomes Her." Also, I like to insult her ideas and character, since those are of such poor quality there's no need to mention she looks like a…
Cheers, sweetie darling!
What about women who work for the IRS? Double doom?
The War on Christmas continues unabated!!!1!1!!1!
Or universal healthcare (saves lives you know) or universal preschool and full-day kindergarten or any of things that the GOP were diehard about in 1950.
That's $15/h— not bad for not having to do anything too terrible like filing or typing....
"I'm right on top of that, Rose!"
I have a friend who serves as a model (?) for medical students learning to give physicals and prostate exams, as well as other non-invasive things (he acts out symptoms of different illnesses in a GP visit, etc). He studied acting so it's kind of entertaining yet easy, and the money is decent.
I thought it was crabapple!?!