
Oh and he's HOT too. If he were into guys, I'd so be on the next Amtrak...

I'll take 100 calendars, please. Kthx.

A sort of Imelda Marcos who buys hand sanitizer by the gallon at Costco?

I'm aware it's slightly ridiculous to feed my cat organic food. It's expensive (about $35 for a 15 lb bag) and a bit yuppie. But, you know, he loves it, his coat is shiny and healthy, his teeth are healthy and his poo stinks less (that really a benefit for me, since he's not bothered). He's my buddy and I love him. So

"Can't trust those shifty Canadians!"

My mom used to watch Days religiously in this era, something I never questioned until this "possessed by the devil" nonsense. Even my adolescent brain thought this was beyond absurd. (I did used to watch the telenovela "Aquamarina" in like 1998-99, but I was learning Spanish so I get a pass....)

And don't forget the dreadful service. Being treated like a criminal by some pimply, voice-cracking jerkface teenager. And they wonder why they're losing money hand over fist...

This is why there should be state-funded abortion, totally free for anyone who wants it.

I feed my kitty only food made in the US for this exact reason (plus he LOVES it and it makes his poo stink less— Buffalo Blue for the win!). His toys are all made in China, of course, since US children don't sew as well, but they're not designed to be gnawed on and eventually ingested. Still, it's a shame so many

Here's another set of resources.

Try these materials, originally from the State Department and Defense Language Institute. It's a bit sink or swim but do-able with the written materials and the mp3s.

I lived in Budapest for a semester and had a professor tell us the nasty things people say about the Roma, even educated, urbane people. He didn't seem crazy about them but he tried to stay neutral and give context in how the Roma always get the shit end of the stick so it's not exactly their fault they're poor, BUT

My cousin is like this: blonde haired and blue eyed. Her mom has dark hair and eyes, her dad, sandy hair and dark eyes. She takes after one of her grandparents. Genetics are weird sometimes.

Nooo! There is a difference: the presence (or lack) of an Amoroso's roll. That is the secret ingredient!

Nooo! There is a difference: the presence (or lack) of an Amoroso's roll. That is the secret ingredient!

Mr Runnerguy is like that too. I don't get it— mine are just there.

I read the labels of shampoo bottles etc very intently to make Runnerguy II more pliable...

It's the law in all states but the issue is that states allow for exceptions that can be easily abused: the philosophical exemptions. It's insane.

What does it say? "I stole my grandmother's sitting room curtain for this shirt"? or "I hope the check clears before I'm beaten to a pulp for looking like a meat-stuffed wedding favor."