
Don't feel bad— I had 5 years of Russian in college and grad school and I only understood half of the clip on the first viewing. Mr Runnerguy was amused at the bits I did understand, though. I'll pick up more with each watching, though...

Agreed on the language thing: I arrived for a semester in Budapest with 3 Hungarian words. Yes, I spoke decent Russian and broken German (plus fluent Spanish and passable French) but it was like landing on Mars! I learned a lot though, and could manage basic conversations reasonably well by the time I left.


Hahahaha. I reconnected with an ex a while ago over FB and I wanted to ask him if he ever got that varicose vein surgery he desperately needed but couldn't afford. I decided against that, however...

Ok, fine. It can have its own seat. But if it starts to slosh too loudly...

Right! Well, I guess if you went on vacation or such... (and no, the box cannot have its own seat in the car on the roadtrip...)

Agreed. I'm firmly on the side of "the US should have strict gun laws like Europe" however I have no qualms with people who like hunting and shooting as sports. Not my cup of tea, but hunting is an important part of life for a lot of people, and is a sustenance activity for lots, even in America. I'm not sure I get

Ditto with box wine— 3L will stay fresh for a month plus. That's good value! And it's greener, as glass bottles are heavy to ship from France, Australia, Spain, etc.

So gross! But I wonder if it just filled back up again? I have a similar wide pore on my shoulder that get filled up with gunk and has done since I'm 14 or so. Also, I'm always amazing that, in some of the videos, no one is wearing gloves or taking hygienic precautions. And those cysts need to be cut out by a doctor,

KLETCO: "How have you been? It's been a while!"
Former Mr KLETCO: "I'm good, busy with work and stuff.."
KLETCO: "That's good. How's the blackhead doing? You know, the one that I worked on in Atlantic City that one time?"
Former Mr KLETCO: *backs away slowly*

Mr Runnerguy has a blackhead/clogged pore thing on his chest that I convinced him to squeeze out once (he wouldn't let me do it). He said it was gross and made him want to gag. I was bummed that I missed it! I have had some epic ones myself on my shoulders/back and squeezing the gunk of out them is SO SATISFYING! (So

O shalom! Ma shlomcha? Ani Runnerguy....

OMG AMC, quit milking it already! So annoying!

Well you are in Canada... lol.

Here's a handy guide, from an American who loves Canada (eh!):

Had I wanted my family to see a hooker perform a live sex show, I would have taken her to Tijuana.

Those sexy, exposed tongues!!!

"she bent over to rub her buttocks against Robin Thicke's groin which caused him to have a slight erection which can be easily noticed through his pants"

Was the water wet!?!?!?!

So. Tacky.