I've used this on vintage china and it's totally amazing, and won't damage the design/finish.
I've used this on vintage china and it's totally amazing, and won't damage the design/finish.
Agreed. I have a relative who's a manager at a big-box homegoods store, and their computer system is basically a window into the mainframe server— think terminal prompts and DOS commands; GUIs are so silly and expensive! It also runs slower than molasses as the hardware is easily from the 1990s. Cheap and stupid.…
Having bought a new washer/dryer about 3 years ago (and working with VERY tight space issues— no one had either in 1940 when my place was built), I can tell you there are a ZILLION options for washers and dryer: steaming, sterilizing, heavy duty, etc etc., especially if size is not an issue (like if you have a big…
Ooh, I didn't know that. I thought they'd just disbanded or taken the wedding and bar mitzvah music circuit by storm....
Note that today's tweens have NO IDEA who LFO is, as they've mercifully gone away.
Good. There's no actual need for it, and it's only a practice that became common because of Puritanism about masturbation, or as a proxy for having had a then-posh in-hospital birth (versus at home). And let's not forget the cost of having it done— doctors and hospitals are making tons of money on something that's…
I waited for a long time for "blame the Jews" but you never really heard it — maybe if we didn't end up with a black president it would have been worse?
No one forced the Ethiopians to come to Israel. If they don't like the conditions of their new home (which is WAY better than the one they're leaving), then they can stay in Ethiopia. If they want to live in Israel, then they have to accept the conditions of the resettlement— one of which is not to be an immediate…
O hai!
Gold's Bond is great for dry shaving too, just pull the section in question taut and lightly shave...
It's a federal law for Sudafed and such products. The joys of being questioned by a surly/pimply clerk as to why I need such a big bottle of cold medicine— um, maybe I have the worst cold ever (*cough hack hack cough choke*)
I'm an ex-smoker but, fuck, if outdoor smoking is banned, how will I get to visit Flavor Country by standing near the smokers and breathing deeply??
That's how I felt when the razor I'd used since I started shaving on the regular at 14 was discontinued, Schiek's TracerFX. I knew it was coming (there was a leaflet in one pack of blades) but I was always able to find refills at a few odd stores. Then that dried up and I decided that it was time for a new razor (I…
Interesting! Yeah, a lot of time and effort is spent on angst about whether one's chosen law school has the correct prestige, hence the tiers you've likely read about, and the US News and World Report rankings (which are totally gamed). When it comes down to it, the big posh firms tend to only hire new grads from the…
That's pretty much what I told him. £27k total is a bargain, though— in the US even average law schools are $35-40k a YEAR. And here, law is a doctorate-level degree: 3 years (full time, 4 yrs part time) after the 4 year bachelor's degree.
I want to congratulate her then look at her over my glasses and say "how PRECIOUS!" in a higher pitched voice.
It's also a huge business with need for legal expertise in things like contracts, employment/HR law, immigration, leases, etc etc.
Hahahaha. I'd been toying with a T2 school (in-state tuition and night classes ftw!) but I'm not sure about my LSAT score being up to snuff. (My dream T1 would laugh me out of the room, and I'm not rich, smart or well connected enough to buy a place.) That, and the whole "I'm going to go to school or work for every…