
And some halcyon.

I think Wonkette called him "Rinced Penis" once, and for whatever reason, that's stuck in my head...

So if the RNC won't participate in the debates, does that mean we'll be spared the parade of their stupidity? Perhaps this is the harbinger of the GOP's demise! They can't be bothered to go on tv because they don't like Hilary, so they're forgotten and no one votes for them, and they fade into the history books?

I took the LSAT last year (it came out ok, I'd have been happier spending the money I spent on the course on new tile for my kitchen) and as a result get TONS of junk mail from Liberty's law school trying to get me to pay like $40k/yr for their crappy, Jesus-filled "education." Kthxno. If I'm going to go to law school

Interesting! A friend of mine (American, though with a British masters and a newly minted permanent resident of the UK) was considering doing this sort of program(me) for his employer to be able to better work with their in house counsel and the barristers they work with.

Don't forget standard business law like contracts and HR or corporate issues like mergers/acquisitions. And being fashion, getting models and designers out of the klink for alcohol and drugs offenses. It could be good, interesting work with fabulous accessories!

"Many women say that jail is the best thing that ever happened to them because they gain resources (drug rehabilitation, mental health programs, therapy, healthcare, etc.) that they never would receive on the outside."


You meant, "You can read the injunction in *its entirety...", yes?

Well I know Revolution is weight specific, but it's in really wide ranges, like 5-15 lbs. I can't remember if Advantage/Frontline are like that too. You def don't want to put dog meds on cats though— permithrins are super toxic to cats but not dogs. That's so awesome about the vet— mine is just around the corner from

I also had them once and didn't react at all, despite being eaten alive. What gave them away for me was the blood spots on the sheets, and the black spots that look like drips of ink (their poo after having digested their blood meal). The black is really hard to get out of fabrics— I have sheets and clothes that STILL

Terro is a wonder product. It's borax syrup, so the ants eat it and taste it back to their nests, all the while the borax building up in their systems until, dang, they're dead. Just check the bait stations to make sure they're still filled and haven't dried out— I replace mine 2-3x/yr, and the ones outside spring and

All of the drops are dosed by weight, so he should have gotten enough if you used the right dosage. I LOVE Revolution (though it's prescription, but it's only slightly more at Costco than Advantage, about $70 for 6 months) mainly because there's a much lower volume of liquid that needs applied. It makes it even easier.

Give all of the dogs/cat Advantage or Frontline (yes it's expensive but the cheap stuff is crap and doesn't work) or a prescription medicine (I give my cat Revolution) at the same time. Then spray all of the upholstery and carpets with a good spray (I've had very good results with Sentry. It's an ass-ton of work but

Well, frosting a cupcake PERFECTLY is quite difficult, you know....

Congrats to the lovely newlyweds!

Srsly. I didn't have that bad of an infestation (according to the very nice exterminator who listened to my crazy panic for 20 minutes before turning my bedroom into a Superfund site) and I about gave myself PTSD. I'm now super anal about hotel rooms, and only buy second hand things I can boil (srsly— no furniture,

Um, thanks but no thanks. With the bad karma and potential for bedbugs, there isn't enough sage/DDT around to remedy that. Maybe you can find a used Fleshjack? (That might kinda hot, actually.... (bring bleach))

Bouncing on thick soldier cock? Where do I sign up (that doesn't involved Baghdad)???

Is one of the cats named 'Sylvester'? per chance? ;)