I didn't think anyone wrote checks in Europe any more. I was laughed at by a German friend for paying my credit card bill by check (my little bank didn't support transfers at the time— this was 10 yrs ago) while on a trip to Germany...
I didn't think anyone wrote checks in Europe any more. I was laughed at by a German friend for paying my credit card bill by check (my little bank didn't support transfers at the time— this was 10 yrs ago) while on a trip to Germany...
It should be la discrimination. Words ending in -ion are always feminine. The French are very précis about these sorts of things...
"It's faintly spicy, like Middle Eastern food. THE PRESIDENT IS A MUSLIN MEMBER OF AL-QAEDA AND WANTS DEATH FOR THE INFIDELS!!!!1!!!!1!!!!"
A consultant.
Well a nice butt is nice to look at and to squeeze (according to one galpal). Some women do like the more ... lingual adventures, I suppose. (I'm a gay guy, so yes, a nice butt is a feast for the senses.... )
"I cannot stay in New York and be single for you."
I totally had one of these fights with my bff when I was buying a house on the other side of our metro area to be closer to Mr. Runnerguy. It was heartbreaking conversation— she was engaged to be married (to a great guy) and she didn't think I should buy the house I…
Such women are sluts who deserve to be burdened with a state-required child, as they're too sinful and weak to manage their own bodies properly. And teaching children about sex only makes them want to have it more and be sinful and wanton. However, providing any social support for poor children is SOCIALISM and we…
There goes your social life!
"With their greasy hair and UGH!"
You could be a (benevolent) feudal lord/lady!
Maybe because the US didn't have diplomatic relations with Hungary at the time her passport was issued (before 1959, judging by the one visible stamp)? (Note the text about Albania and Bulgaria then the stamp allowing for travel to/in Bulgaria.) She did give a concert in Budapest in 1968 so the travel restriction may…
He strikes me as your typical conservative, smart-ass troll. He retweets Britebart every 6h (I thought he was dead?)— that's red meat thrown from the trucks of the right wing to the mouthbreathers. And I'm sure he gets off on the attention, calling out "liburalz" and "sluts."
My experience in Krakow is that the guys are either drop-dead, smoking hot or look like they've been kicked in the face by a team of horses. And nothing in between.
I bet there's a goat involved somewhere.
Cuccinelli claims that the law “is only applied to sodomy committed against minors, against non-consenting adults, or in public,”
Oooh. Honey wine. I'll have to try that! Thanks for the heads-up!
Yeah, that sounds like a jerky comment from that dude. Whatevs.
Anonymous, where are you? Time to tear this right-wing pig a new asshole! Maybe the whole world would love to know what he faps to (my guess: bisexual scheisse porn)....