
Best mom answer. evar.

Well he has a point— Ethiopia is best known in our time for its famine, not for its ancient history, ancient language etc etc. I've never had it but am growing curious. Intestines, don't fail me now!

There're Vallue Village (I think that's what it's called) in Rockville off of Connecticut Ave, Merrifield on Merrifield Rd (not far from Rt 50) and in Woodbridge in the same complex as Lowes. Google can help you with the specifics. (I've founds really cool stuff, and useful things like $7 Banana Republic dress shirts,

Hmm. Either you're a swamp monster, or you need to work on your self-image. I'm not a therapist, but I've been to enough of it to notice that you're very down and dismissive of yourself. That's something to work on. It's not attractive, and more importantly, you're doing yourself a huge disservice.

Everyone is attractive in a certain way. You might just need some help with the things you can change (without surgery!). I had dreadful taste in clothes (out of style, ill-fitting, etc) and a friend took me shopping one day and made me try on things I'd never, ever had considered before. Lo and behold, I loved them.

The people who say these things to you are insensitive at best and assholes at worst. There is no expiration date on love and marriage. My stepmom married the love of her life (my dad) in her 40s. My (beloved late) great aunt spent 30+ years with her "companion" (that's old-lady-speak for 'manfriend') whom she met in

I have cousins in the midwest who were married by 25— they married their high school/college sweethearts. The older sister of one cousin was nearly 30 (gasp!) when she got married: I was told that she basically married the first nice guy she met at her new church when she had a house built in a new town (she spent her

I always feel so bad for that lone person (those lone 2 people) staffing the bank of infuriating and slow checking machines when there's a HUGE line of people who didn't budget an hour just to stand in the check-in line but rather 20 or so minutes. You'd think with all of the extra fees for stuff, they could hire more

People who do that are such jerks. Don't they know that flight attendants 1) don't control the weather, 2) are just as stuck in place X which is not home as everyone else (and if they miss their connections, they might not get home at all today, considering home might be 2 or 3 legs away) and 3) have all of the power

Those are the same morons who think the attendants make the rules themselves. Um, no. Either the government or the airline makes the seemingly endless and annoying rules. Don't like them? Take a Greyhound— that will be an experience where you'll be begging for some law and order....

It does seem slightly neurotic, but for YEARS I would not try anything on anywhere (guys don't need to as much but I'm always a weird size). I'm slightly braver now (12+ years on) but it's still in the back of my mind. I always wash clothes before I wear them, however, if they're vintage, they go straight into hot

He denied it and I believe him. I think I got them from the dirty locker room at the university pool— the critters can live off of the body for like a week, so it's not implausible. That, or from some jeans I tried on at Old Navy (something I no longer do).


Good bloody riddance— have you ever had crabs? Nasty little buggers, then you have to spend ages cleaning and washing everything, multiple times. Nightmare. (I had to shave EVERYTHING to get rid of them, but the humiliation of calling my then fwb to tell him that I had them.... priceless.)

Natasha, aka Ninjinski, the 25 year old who comes home early from the beach...

And she goes to the pharmacy to buy some shampoo— that's not a home remedy!

oooh, yes, vanilla. That's also delicious with Coke. I do enjoy that, though haven't bought it in a long time.

I've never had it because, well, I think it might taste horrible. Like roasted ass horrible. Worst hangover in the universe horrible. I'll stick to the normal lemon/lime/cranberry, jalapeno, etc. (I also veto cupcake and whipped cream-flavors because, ew.)

bacon-flavored vodka? Um, no thanks.

Having run across preachy, obnoxious vegans before, I've come to the (snarky) conclusion that they'd be nicer if they just had a decent meal. I get vegetarianism, for which there's an endless possibility of delightful meals, but strict veganism? I mean, no honey for heaven's sake!