
Really? I think my hangovers got worse AFTER I quit smoking (when I quit for realz, not the date Mr Runnerguy thinks I quit), but that might be because the really quitting smoking (aged 29, 1.5 weeks shy of 30) more or less coincides with the onset of my Adult Inability To Drink (as described in the article). In

I'd call the Israelis advancing through the Sinai to within 60 miles of Cairo an ass-handing. And yes, the Israelis had US backing, just as the Egyptians had Soviet backing— so it was a proxy war in a way. You'll remember that Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty (at Camp David)— it's why Anwar Sadat was

You understand that the Iranians are Shiite, and HATE HATE HATE the Wahabi Saudis, right? (The feeling is mutual, for the record.) And, the LAST thing Egypt wants to do is to piss off its relatively wealthy, armed-to-the-teeth next door neighbor, Israel, who is also a pretty big trading partner and one of the

-You have too many shoes!

Oh My Gawd, I wanna throw up!

Oh that's brilliant!!! Why had I never thought of that!?!?!

I want to lick him from head to bionic toe.

He hates the ladies unless they're his white wife, a relationship that was forbidden in his current home of Virginia until 1967. How do you think he would have ruled, had he presided in Loving v. Virginia?

I've had Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"on my mind for a while now. (I read it in 9th grade when I was in bed with the flu— I only really remember the desperate poverty of the Guilded Age and the gross description of the meat packing plant. Both apropos!)

I've had Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"on my mind for a while now. (I read it in 9th grade when I was in bed with the

it's always the religious ones who are the kinkiest/craziest....

That's so cool. It seems like you guys have cracked the code! (And who ever would have thought car sex could actually be fun, versus asleep legs and a misplaced gear shift...)

I don't mean to be rude, and you can demure if you'd prefer, but how does the "festive time" work? Do the usual approaches to leverage etc still work? Did you have to change positions from previously? I'm not trying to pry or be vulgar but inquiring minds are curious.... PS, you sound like you're a wonderful wife— you


You get 1 million internet props-points for that!

Is it bad that I want to lick him from head to toe?

I used to live near Walter Reed and there were all sorts of (recovering) hotties out and about in town. Most of them prefer the ladies but I wouldn't have said no to any of the few who liked dudes... woof! Now I live south of DC so when I venture down closer to Belvoir, there's nice eye candy....

I thought they disapproved of masturbation? Or is it like everything else, where they disapprove until it's convenient?

Yiddish is basically Middle High German mixed with Hebrew and Polish. There are different varieties (Polish, Russian, Lithuanian, etc) but the standard language is strongly German-leaning, versus Polish- or Russian-leaning. It uses the Hebrew alphabet. (It's worth noting that most NYC Hasidim speak Lithuanian Yiddish,

"Mr. Burns: Oh, so the island's not for sale, eh? Well, will you at least            permit us to live in your socialist paradise?    Castro: You talking about Cuba?"

I'm 31 and I recently lectured an itsy-bitsy early 20-something for not wearing warm-enough clothing during a cold snap. I've become my grandmother (minus the ability to cook, bake or sew.)