
I once found an out-of-state driver's license on the street in DC outside of a bar of a college-aged kid. I picked it up, took it home and googled the name and address and got the parents. I called the house and spoke to the guy's mom, who gave him my number. He called me and we made plans to meet up for him to

I get the serious icks at the idea (or experience) of bugs crawling on me. If I'm outside doing yard work, for example, and something creepy-crawls on me, I start to freak a bit. I didn't used to be this way until I got crabs in college (dirty locker room, kthx) but my encounter with bedbugs some years later didn't

It's not at all unusual in the petrostates: Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc. The natives are too lazy and spoiled to do their own housework or mind their own children so they bring cheap, exploitable Indians, Indonesians, Malaysians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans to be nannies, maids, cleaners, housekeepers, etc.

But was the hurely-burly done, the battle lost and won?

I like this description best:

Those non-wealthy conservatives telling the Occupy people to go suck it (they called themselves the 53%ers, how cute) made me crazy— they couldn't see how they were being screwed too! Marx called this "false consciousness"— how the elites brainwash the masses into believing that what's good for the elites is also good

this, 1000x!


I had some friends from Kazakhstan, who said that centuries ago the kidnapping was real, but today's just a ceremonial custom that everyone plays along with, no actual kidnapping involved. That said, in some rural areas it's still more of a real kidnapping than a ceremonial one.

I totally broke the no butt sodomy law in VA circa 2002. It was goooooooood (mostly).

That's the age when you know who your real friends are and who the people you just hang out with occasionally. You're not in school full-time anymore, where friends are everything. Real friendships take energy and care to nurture, especially when everyone's got grown-up jobs, boy-/girlfriends, spouses, kids, etc. It's

The Brazilians and Latin Americans do love some over-the-top soaps, so this fits in as a reality soap?

And by doing so they trivialize the persecutions that Christians really do face in places like Iraq, China, Syria, Iran. No one is rounding up, torturing and burning Christians at the stake in the US or Europe. (Tho the game sounds totes fun for kids! We used to play Maccabees and Greeks, though...)

IF ONLY! (Pictures! We want pictures!)

How about straight women on bikes? Is that allowed only if they're wearing skirts, which he can see up?

Does the murder involve a lot of stabbing and/or pushing/shoving/thrusting?

This was my first question!! (Delicious, I'm sure...)

Second grade teacher Mrs. Galt sighs, "If only those other greedy, parasitic children hadn't been so jealous of little Jonny Producer's truck, he'd be in class today instead of taking it and stomping off home half way through the first grade..."

I thought little kids already had those attitudes and a parent's job was to civilize them, so "No! It's my truck!" becomes "Ok, we can play with my truck together!" So maybe the children's lit from the teaparty types would be "Your teacher is a filthy communist: it is your truck and no, no one else can play with it—