It's trial and error, really....
It's trial and error, really....
I disagree about not being able to taste the difference in cigarettes. I used to smoke and I could tell the differences in taste between my usual Marlboro Lights and, say, a Camel Light, or a Marlboro Red, or a Lucky Strike, etc etc. (And that's not even the mentholated versions. Then again, I hadn't been smoking for…
They would either be saying how he's gay and "asked for it" or they'd be screaming for the blood of the guy who raped him, as he's a gay rapist monster. If it was a girl who raped him, he'd get lots of sly looks, chuckles and high-fives.
I packed the standard suggested emergency supplies (plus gear and food for the cat) in one of those cheap plastic zip-able bags from Ikea that have straps on the back- like a big backpack. What prompted this go kit was needing to decamp with the kitty to friends' last summer after a particularly nasty round of…
Me either and I managed to learn (and conquer!) Russian with 6 grammatical cases (and Spanish and French with vestiges of cases). How does this 'diagramming' thing work? lol
I was always more or less neutral on the open-casket viewing (my religion frowns upon this but it's common in America)... until my father died suddenly. Seeing him was awful— he didn't look like himself at all. It's not how I want to remember him, so I've tried really hard not to pull up that image in the time since…
Cases like this (kittens tortured and killed in front of mother cat) make me wish there were a "Dexter" type person who "dealt with" the animal abusers. (Such a Dexter would make quick work of those little bastards!— nothing left but braces and Axe body spray-scented gore) Then I want to rush home and hug/kiss my cat…
A dream paradise for the Tea Party set!
"Only the dreaded caftan fitted." ~Edina Monsoon, AbFab
It also sounds like it was produced with google translate... a native English speaker wouldn't write like that, even if trying to be taudry. (BTW, Linguistics/foreign languages degrees FTW!)
I have to admit that I haven't been watching this show (I'm terrible with remembering what day and time these things are on. I gave up on 'Lost' after the 3rd episode for this reason.) so I don't know who Sebastian is. But, if it's him in your lovely gif, O HAI! :) (Make sure you check his driver's license first,…
Victorian prudishness about boys masturbating...
*swoon* We can see them making out at her locker before chemistry class!
You are a shopping-saint type person. I have a relative who's been a manager at various department stores over the years and I never cease to be amazed/appalled at the messy, careless, rude, horrible things do in stores.— that the staff have to spend hours cleaning up. (people who let their brat children demolish…
I have to ask Mr. Runnerguy to make me stick to my list at IKEA because without it, I will impulse buy EVERYTHING in sight. ("Oooh! I love green ceramic whosits!! I need 5!")
I feel the same way!! I have a relative who was interviewing for a job there a while ago and the first thing I said was, "how could you stand to be in the store for more than 5 minutes? It feels like the walls are closing in on you as they have so. much. stuff. dangling from them?!!?!?!" She said she felt the same but…
I'm guessing yes: "CEO is very rich and no one thinks they could win a lawsuit." Other developed countries have governmental agencies that investigate these sorts of things properly, unlike DOJ, such that rich CEOs and their companies can't buy their way out of trouble. 'Murica!
Agreed. "Puppy love" is only appropriate in puppies and tweens crushing on other tweens. Not grown-ass men.
She needs to go to the police, pronto.