
No Tracy Ullman for Curb?!  She was by far the best part of the last season.

It’s Reeve, not Reaves.

I’m there with you. Wake up, poop immediately, brush my teeth and either work out or hop in the shower (on non-workout days). Don’t eat til I get to work or after I work out on weekends. Can’t remember the last morning this didn’t happen. Some mornings I’d like to stay in bed longer but the urge to go becomes too much.

I live in the Midwest but work for a company headquartered in NYC. We get 8-10 inches of snow here and it’s business as usual. All it takes is a forecast of an inch of snow (not even actual snow, just the possibility) in NY and meetings get cancelled, offices are preemptively closed, emails start flying about the

Your sports writing is phenomenal and will get all my clicks!

She’s OK with Canadians because they are “white” in her words. One of the local Detroit reporters who is Canadian asked her about that. It’s at about the 4:15 mark in this video. My husband and I both let out the hugest laughs when they played it on the news.

Just under $500K in retirement accounts at age 43. Just under $800K if you count in a brokerage account that is liquid if I need it but that I treat as a retirement savings account. I’m in a similar boat as kids, no student debt, live in a 800 sq ft house in an affordable area and drive a car that’s been paid

He is good. I became a cricket fan after reading his “Complete Guide to Understanding Cricket”.

And my boyfriend Jeff Devlin and his Stone House Revivals?!? I love the both of them.

Plié squats while I am curling my eyelashes, push-ups on the kitchen counter while I am waiting for the toaster or microwave, take the stairs at work instead of the elevator, isometric holds with my glutes while watching TV (or anywhere really if I think of it).

I like this. My husband and I like to buy Christmas ornaments on our vacations. We don’t have any color or theme for our tree, it’s decorated with a collection of ornaments that we were given as gifts, inherited from my grandmother, were made for us over the years, etc. And our vacation collection. Every year on

I love that brand. So stretchy and comfortable. They’re my current favorites and the first jeans I’ve found in years that fit my waist (small), butt/thighs (athletic) and height (petite).

I work for Viacom and saw the pilot. It was frickin’ hilarious. So glad it got picked up.