Are we brothers? I been a mac man for almost a decade. After this last OS release I finally had it. Going back to Windows and you’re 100% right. Windows 10 has become lean!
Are we brothers? I been a mac man for almost a decade. After this last OS release I finally had it. Going back to Windows and you’re 100% right. Windows 10 has become lean!
thinkin about it...
Your list is hilarious. #6 ALONE is by far the funniest shit I’ve read. People get to vote? Vote where? The country has 2 governments and militias going at each other right now. No one is voting accept me on the funniest post of all time.
It’s horrible. He makes fun of “OUR” political system. But he’s not part of it. It’s not the same. They needed someone who is at least a citizen of the U.S. to make the jokes stick.
Whats wrong with it? I worked on this site.
You win!
accept the times you guys actually got caught cheating... right?
god bless you /s
your mom’s bigger...
Hi Dr Shah,
Your source is really really crappy...
Hail Hydra!
I just dripped. I know it sounds weird to say this as a man. But whatever... I never seen something so amazing in my life.
I have one. Still works! I wonder if I can make some extra cash.
For the KH-9 can you please change it to it's proper name KH9-20.
This is probably the best video production I've seen of a utuber. wow
What is wrong with people lately. She was an amazing comedian and hit the red line which was her whole comedy was always about.
Your short. 6' foot tall ain't tall. I'm 8 inches taller than you and it's impossible to even move.
They should pay tribute to the 9 year old shutdown in Chicago.