Well don't disclaim it. Drink it in and realize that on top of everything else you have going for you, that you are desirtable woman! What a huge amount of power to have!
Well don't disclaim it. Drink it in and realize that on top of everything else you have going for you, that you are desirtable woman! What a huge amount of power to have!
Well you won....on two counts.......they didn't get what they wanted and you got confirmation of your fuckability!
Give it up NDOH...you're trying way too hard!!!!
Jesus Christ on a cracker!...all you women commenting in this article are trying way too hard. Imagine your life if no one (except maybe some dyke girlfriends) appreciated your presence. Harassment no..but appreciation yes!
So we sometimes look at your ass...big fucking deal. You're wearing clothes aren't you? And there is nothing wrong with a little appreciation.
Definitely there is a ranking...usually 1 to 10! Like with most things.
So a little 'sizing up' happens...big fucking deal. That door swings both ways, but usually when its the other way the sizing up isn't confined to just the physical aspects of the 'sizee'.
C'mon......based upon your comment I'm pretty sure that any guy who got any kind of response from you would pretty quickly decide that he didn't want to fuck you! I'll bet that there are lots of people who also wish you were invisible some days.
If the reaction to a friendly 'hello' is anything other than a smile and maybe a friendly 'hello' back, then the woman is a complete cunt!!
Absolutely right...harassment is not OK. However the woman in questions appears to be a major cunt! And that is equally not OK! Let her rot and die alone!
Hey...I know a girl who could take you on a tour of Seattle just on places she's shit in the street!
Yeah..unfortunately it's the PGA of America that looks like the "l'il girl" on this one!!
Well when you sleep in a dumpster and eat out of garbage cans or at the soup kitchen, I guess you have to give up some things.
Young American men dress like shit...the influence of too many Duck Dynasty ass-wipes, Trailer Park Boys etc. The one thing that should be outlawed is hoodies...anybody who wears one is a gigantic asshole !! Anybody with a modicum of intelligence and a job that requires more than simply showing up from 9 - 5 should…
No! You always play to your audience. And when you achieve what you want maybe you can change the rules! Oh, btw..try leaving fucking rural Ohio. Move where the action really is..a Bachelor's degree in finance will get you a minimum of twice the income in the right location.
Yeah..its very sad thinking about a poor nail getting whacked on the head. Right on it.
Hey it's scary for men too! What would you do if you had to have a relationship with someone who bled for 5 days every month and didn't die!
There is absolutely nothing better than a beautiful pussy with a fine coat on it!
OK so from now on women don't have to shave their legs .......or their faces! All they have to do is shower, shit and spray (some deodorant on). Don't ever do anything else....and I mean ANYTHING. That'll make date night a whole lot more interesting.
Nah...the only people who should be eating dicks are women!