It is...unfortunately we’re all plagued with the media notion of what’s fashionable and what clothes are ‘good’!
It is...unfortunately we’re all plagued with the media notion of what’s fashionable and what clothes are ‘good’! win. I love a woman with a great sense of humor.
Just think...if you had cut out the tampons, one of two good things could have happened. You could have had a lower student loan or you could have had more beer money!
Just think...if you cut out the tampons two good things could have would have had a lower student loan, or you would have had more beer money!
Education will get you only so far in the have to have a couple of other marketable 'skills'. if you know what I mean...stuff they don't teach in school!
I'm prettt sure it didn't look like salad dressing..if you get my drift. Probably made him all the hotter thinking you were the 'messy' type.
I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions there fella! You should volunteer to do a ‘short arms’ inspection before very game.
They’d be better off putting the names across the ass of the shorts...makes more sense, and its a style that’s been popular on sweats for a long time.
There is one thing you never say to any girl...wheter she’s a techie or not! “Do you take it up the ass?”
What did anybody really expect....Vince Neil is a piece of shit at the best of times!
Bring back Farmer Boy Jones.....he'd show all these WWE pansies a thing or two! And then he'd measure you up for a custom-made 3-piece suit!
Good thing that one of the guys in black didn't catch the guy in blue. It would probably have turned into the perfect visual lead-in for the age-old question....."How do you separate two Greek men?"....age-old answer....With a crow-bar!!
and then went and rubbed one out in the car.
and it must have bee funny watching you shove that tampon up your ass!
too bad you were a 17-year old guy! that must have really weirded him out
obviously she was in the same predicament!
obviously she was in the same predicament! win!
Maybe he's got a 12 incher and can part his hair with his tongue!
Mmmmm.. 8 pussies...I'll bet you're a hell of a lot of fun!