
You can practically hear his brain screaming “NO!”

In the morning to you, good sir (or dame). Care for some mutton or mead?

So there was an upside to the cheating diesels after all?

It’s because we don’t have constant diarrhea in the US.

Nah that sounds about right for them.

“This one’s called ‘I Wanna Rock Your Body’. Then in parenthesis is says ‘Til the Break of Dawn.’” SOLO.

Pro tip: Eat more fiber. You can read while eating and then read some more when pooping. More fiber = more pooping = more reading. See also: coffee, chili, Chipotle. 

I bought a new 2006 STi and I still have it today. This car was built before they added ESC and I really appreciate the mechanical feel of the drivetrain, especially on bad weather days. We’ve been on many adventures together and I have never regretted buying one.

I made a similar mistake too. I made a molasses crumble pie but I mistakenly made it with blackstrap instead of regular molasses. It was...strong.

Lifehacker should do an article about making your own heart-shaped pizza. Or just get creative with the pizza cutter.

You’re supposed to come get Lena Dunham at some point. Please come soon.

Man I had forgotten how sweet those Super Bowl logos were. Especially something about Super Bowl II, like it’s some kind of awesome action movie.

I agree with you very much. It seems things really started sliding downhill after Glass-Steagall was repealed. Dodd-Frank tries to patch up the hole that was left by the GS repeal but it’s such a granular piece of legislation that I feel it doesn’t do the same job as well as GS. Besides, the so far the CFPB has

So...uh, no roll bar for the kiddies?

Oh yes. And I wonder just how many of these missing or undocumented airstrikes were around or near oil and natural gas pipelines. I bet it’s more than just a few.

Cars have horns, bicycles have bells. ‘Nuff said brring brring bingo boom shakalaka.

No kidding? Sweet! We truly are living in an enlightened age.

Exactly. Why start a whole war? Just send in the drones!

At least we now have that photo of Chris Pronger smashing in the Biebs’ face. It helps to ease the pain.

Man I had to dig one of these bad boys out last night. It was wedged in really good and I feel my tonsil itching. I ended up having to use a toothpick to dig it out, but it was totally worth it. I get them from time to time for no particular reason.