I’m seeing a very odd trend in Lifehacker Thanksgiving articles. Consider just over the past 24 hours:
I’m seeing a very odd trend in Lifehacker Thanksgiving articles. Consider just over the past 24 hours:
What I really wish I could skip was the auto play videos all Kinjas are starting to slip into every article. Seriously, whoever came up with this idea needs a smack upside the head.
I’d almost rather read a racist rant on The Root than this. Yeesh.
You should interview The Podfather - Adam Curry.
I’ve gotten out of around 11 tickets. Here’s what I’ve done every single time:
This is #fakenews.
“their first reaction, similar to a human’s when startled, they flapped their wings.”
I found this out the hard way when I made a marinade for some steaks for my wife’s birthday. Spent about $50 on all the fixings and the steaks. They weren’t edible. Ended up going to the local chain steak place. She hasn’t trusted me with recipes cince.
Actually, most of those rules were in place before the financial crisis.
The older I get, the more I think the late president Eisenhower was RIGHT about “beware of the military industrial complex”. If that line is to belived, then they’ve come up with the perfect way to generate revenue. A “war” that never ends. Terrorism. We’ve been shootin’ the bad guys, since 9/11. And it continues, day…
I can appreciate anything that involves punishing the Biebs.
I’ve never been impressed by Allen. I never thought he really looked like a true #1 goalie. The Blues picking up Hutton for a backup shows how much faith they were really putting in Allen and that might have been too much for the guy. Too bad. Good for the rest of the Central though.
I only wish she had a product to push.
What a shitstick. Hates his car but pawns it off to a friend, enslaving him forever as his personal driver?
1. Avoid DC. We throw salt on the roads the way food/drink retailers promote Pumpkin Spice: gleefully, aggressively, and with no understanding of moderation.
I’ll be gifting my hoarder parents “The More of Less” (https://smile.amazon.com/More-Less-Finding-Under-Everything/dp/1601427964/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1479247858&sr=8-2&keywords=be+more+with+less