What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
and how much of that hair is actually his is entirely up for debate.
We’ve gone from “but he was a good boy” to “well he was only committing a crime”. Next it will be “well he was only shooting one person.”
Theft is still a crime. You do a crime, and you run the risk of this type of return on you. Which is why most people don’t do the crimes...Sad all the way around, but personal responsibility has to kick in at some point.
That’s a convenient load of shit. Universal truths are bigger than self-serving rationalizations, and words don’t lose their meaning because it makes your hate go down smoother. Stay woke tho LOL.
Wait they’re mad at an immigrant for speaking English now? What the fuuuckkkk.
I think that we’ll all know the color of a certain penis in the not too distant future.
I don’t give a shit if she got work done. She looks amazing and works hard for that figure, I’m sure. Get it, Britney. Get. It.
Hi Taylor!!!
Poor kid. At least he got his mom’s cheekbones.
The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so…
You say that before you even try. Call them, tell them you won’t buy any of their products as long as this type of thing airs on the local news and they advertise with it. They’ll hear you or they won’t but it doesn’t hurt to try. Doesn’t do anyone any good to say “They won’t listen if I say anything” without trying.
Contact their advertisers.
“Fuck em - they ain’t done shit for me!”
Michael Harriot labors under a delusion that white people are out to ruin black people, so research is the least of his concerns; He just knows it.
I don’t see this as necessarily “moderation”, but more a process of chipping away these problems in manageable parts, which increases the likelihood of overall success. It DOES mean you have to actually continue the work.
Indeed. And not all of the activists are white. In fact, the most powerful voice among them is Emma Gonzalez:
Counterpoint: Stick to one issue at a time. If you try to attach Michael’s laundry list of wishes to your goal, you’ll accomplish nothing and the odds of you accomplishing anything are pretty thin to start with.
I am all for blaming Trump for the problems that he has caused. However, blaming him for the insecurity in Nigeria and an attack by a Terrorist group in that country is a little far fetched. While the US has helped with combating Terrorist organizations the blame for those attacks lies straight at the feet of its…