pro-pro tip: before you use it, not after
pro-pro tip: before you use it, not after
My understanding was that the product he suggested she use was a skin-calming active, not a skin-lightener nor even something that addresses PIH? If that’s the case, he was telling her to “calm down,” not to bleach her skin. Which is still inarguably shitty, dismissive, and insulting, but not necessarily racist.
“Sarah and Todd Palin married on August 29, 1988, and they have five children: sons Track Cj (born 1989) and Trig Paxson Van (born 2008), and daughters Bristol Sheeran Marie (born 1990), Willow Bianca Faye (born 1994), and Piper Indy Grace (born 2001).”
They are the literal gestapo right now.
Sorry, Soo Jin is dead by the end of the first season. We all know it.
The love that I have for my children is the most powerful thing I’ve ever experienced. But every day I want to apologize to them for bringing them into this dying world.
Being that I’m a furry, the vast, majority of my social circle is gay. I’m about a 2 on the kinsey scale myself, and I’ve had trans girlfriends. Here’s my totally unsolicited take (apologies in advance for kinja-induced formatting problems):
Today the Code 45* team is focused upon Robert Mueller’s investigation into that whole Russia thing (“the Case”, as 45*’s subconscious calls it) and how it has shot back to the top of the news charts with Michael Flynn’s guilty plea (and the related near-certainty that everyone’s favourite MF made a deal to dish on…
You know who else knows how it works? TOM FUCKING BROKAW.
It’s worth re-watching President Obama’s statement from 2015. There’s nothing more to say, really.
Can someone more savvy that I please photoshop Megyn’s face on this?
I get that Armenian people are Caucasian. I do. Kim has tremendous, undeniable privilege related to that.
Honestly, she looks absolutely stunning here, but I also love any shoot that takes a WASPY white stereotype and injects some brownness into it (I also always loved the National Anthem video by Lana Del Rey for having ASAP Rocky play JFK for the same reason).
Treating people unequally is not the path to equality.
Ah, the Matt McGorry of cafes.
No, seriously. I would do anything.
I think you mean pavement etiquette, which by the way in this country is if you want to get past you go around and give a really miserable look to the person you’re overtaking in the process.
This is assault. I understand getting annoyed by slow walkers or people who seem to have no destination in mind, but Jeeezus. He has all the room in the world to navigate that sidewalk. This is just inexplicable.
Did you let him?
Death Proof and Planet Terror are works of modern art. I WILL FITE YOU