
The Coen Brothers caught heat on jezebel for their lack of racial diversity esp. in their last movie ‘Hail Caesar’. A movie about Hollywood in the 1930/40s. The charcters were actors, directors, movie journalists and studio bigwigs. Having an all white cast made perfect sense, since there were barely any POC in those

it’s frowned upon

My god- this was a fucking joke!!! Colbert intended it as a joke, she knew it was a joke, the audience knew it was a joke. Kind of like when African Americans say, “Bill Clinton was the first Black President.” It’s tongue in cheek. Humor, with a 1% touch of truth.

Fallon is an idiot.

The only moderator I will allow is Samantha Bee.

Ingress players have been obsessing over drift for over three years.

but god? He prob would have done that. Old testament god is a total dick

This guy is so unoffensive and moderate, he would normally be a gift nominee from any Democratic president to the Republicans. Obama gave them a nominee that makes the Republicans look even more unreasonable than usual to refuse. Judging from my “moderate” and “independent" family members and coworkers, it is pissing

I feel so weird when the NFL does something right for a change.

Ben Carson used Hypnosis! had no effect on Steel type RoboRobio.

I love Lana Del Rey and I don’t care who knows it

Analog dick pics! OMG

I get that we would want more scientifically valid testing, more control over the weather variables and such, but does it seem dumb that we didn’t build this in Alaska, where we could take advantage of the existing climate? Or at least somewhere closer to the Canadian border than Florida?

I don’t get it. My one and only gripe about “weird” names is that I’ll say them wrong. I don’t really judge people for their name if it’s different. I probably judge people with “regular” names more often.

Who follows “Vito” and why???

seems very normal-sized for a flaccid cock.

proffer your own theories in the comments below.

And guess how much I care?

The early bird ist getting the worm, but the second mouse is getting the cheese ;)

Uhhhh. I don't agree with the Duggars ideals or physiology regarding women, religion or history. I have no issues with the size of their family. More power to them. That said, they are just a big family that are zealots. That does not make them a cult like the Manson family. They do fall under the definition cult but